Winter Skincare Social Posts

Winter Skincare Social Posts

Winter is a great time to connect with clients, boost business and stay busy in the run up the hectic festive season. The transition from summer to winter can be tough on skin, and clients will be looking to maintain a smooth, soft complexion despite the elements. Client concerns may range from dull and tight to dry and flaky. The best way to help them is to get their skincare routine sorted and emphasis the importance of consistency with treatments. Find the social posts in the attachments and use the captions below to give your clients all the information they need to keep their skin happy this season. 

Winter Skincare Guide (1)
Winter skin can be impossible to please, but it doesn’t have to be. The best way to maintain glowing skin throughout the seasons is to:
  • Identify your current skincare concerns
  • Recognise what may be causing problematic skin
  • Consider if your current skincare routine is appropriate for achieving your skincare goals
To help you master your winter skin, we have a series of posts to take you step by step through these considerations. By the end, you should know exactly where you are going wrong and be on your way to achieving a winter glow. 

Winter Skincare Guide: Skin Concerns (2)
During winter, you may encounter a number of skin concerns that you do not wish to deal with during the festive season. If your summer glow has turned lacklustre and your skin is dry and flaking - don’t panic. Consistency is key to skin rejuvenation and there is still time to turn it around. 
Take note of any skin concerns you may currently have. 

Winter Skincare Guide: Causes (3)
Any change can be harsh on the skin, and the dropping temperatures in winter is definitely a big one. The contrast between indoor heating and icy winds wreaks havoc on our complexions. As we approach the end of the year, seasonal stresses and a lack of sleep can also contribute to problematic skin. 
It is important to pay close attention to any triggers you may have, so you can do something about it. 

Winter Skincare Guide: Considerations (4)
You may assume simply having a skincare routine is enough to keep problematic skin at bay. Washing your face twice a day can only be helping get rid of that dry skin, right? If you are not using the right products, your skincare routine may be working against you. Using the wrong mix of active ingredients together, or products too lightweight for the season could be the reason for your skin concerns. 
Take inventory of the products you are currently using, and check that their ingredients are suitable for skin and working together. If you notice a gap needs to be filled, or a product needs to be taken out of rotation - do this now!

Winter Skincare Focus: Eyes and Lips (5)
During the colder months, you need to pay special attention to areas of the face that are most sensitive. Your under-eye area and your lips are likely to become dry and irritated, so you should take extra care with them. 
Chapped lips can be sore and painful, and definitely not the best base for your favourite lipstick this party season. Applying a SPF lip balm regularly every day is the best way to keep your lips moisturised, and prevent dryness and cracking. 
The skin under your eyes is very delicate, and as such - the first place to show signs of ageing. During winter, you may struggle with dryness, dark circles, wrinkles and puffy eyes. In addition to moisturiser, you should use an eye cream on that sensitive area daily so you are keeping skin protected.  

Winter Skincare Focus: Hands and Feet (6)
Your complexion may not be the only skincare problem you are facing this winter. While you are putting time into rejuvenating your face, don’t neglect your hands and feet in the process. It doesn’t need to be a problem for the summer!
Keeping up with your care will ensure you can slip out of your socks and straight into your sandals when summer comes back around. It will also make the festive season much easier. Don’t avoid your favourite shoes because of painful winter feet!  
Chapped, irritated hands can also be a bother as the weather gets colder. With winter germs popping up all around, frequent hand washing in hot water can aggravate the skin. Keep them protected and hydrated with a thick layer of your favourite hand cream. 
If you offer SkinBase Microdermabrasion - recommend a MD mani-pedi to soften and smooth winter hands and feet.

Winter Skincare Guide: Cleanser (7)
Creating a skincare routine with the wrong ingredients can be disastrous for your skin. If you are not switching products out seasonally, it is likely that you are not giving your skin all of the help it requires to thrive. 
For example, if you use a foaming cleanser throughout summer, you can be sure that excess sebum and debris on the skin is being removed for a squeaky clean feel. However, if you are using the same cleanser all year round, you could be stripping too much sebum from winter skin. Therefore, contributing to the dry, flaky appearance. 
Swapping to a thicker product, such as the SkinBase Purifying Gel Cleanser, is an ideal choice for winter. 

Winter Skincare Guide: Moisturiser (8)
As a general rule, you should apply skincare products from thinnest to thickest consistency. Moisturiser is a necessity all year round, and as one of the thickest products should be applied near to the end. That way, you can lock in all the beneficial ingredients already on the skin prior to putting SPF on. A good moisturiser will enhance natural hydration levels, while also soothing any irritation caused by the cold. The SkinBase Hydration Max is the best way to keep skin nourished throughout winter. 
Key tip: don’t forget your neck! 

Winter Skincare Guide: SPF (9)
If you want to prevent visible signs of ageing for as long as possible, or minimise any signs you may already have, you should be applying SPF every single day - regardless of the weather. UV exposure could be responsible for up to 80% of visible ageing on the skin, and sunscreen is your defence against sun damage. Vulnerable winter skin repairs itself as you sleep, so give it a helping hand and apply a 30+ SPF daily. 
The SkinBase Daily Protect SPF is a great vegan choice, with a superior, broad spectrum defence. 

Winter Skincare Guide: Skincare Wardrobe (10)
If you haven’t already, it is time to ramp up your routine and start creating your “skincare wardrobe”. Products should be layered to protect your skin’s barrier and keep moisture in. 
Layering allows for maximum absorption, so your skin gets the defence it needs to battle the icy temperatures. As always, the basic steps you must be implementing daily are cleanser, toner, moisturiser and SPF. 
If you offer SkinBase Microdermabrasion: - 
To improve the layering process and ensure maximum absorption of ingredients, you can prep your skin with a resurfacing course of SkinBase Microdermabrasion. Enquire now for more information. 

Winter Skincare Guide: Diet (11)
If you are properly implementing all stages of your skincare routine, and still suffer with dull skin, it might be time to change your diet. A nutritious diet is key to keeping skin glowing in the cold. Fruits and vegetables are an excellent source of vitamins and antioxidants, and a balanced diet will show up positively on your skin. 

Winter Skincare Guide: Hydration (12)
The combination of the outside cold and artificial heat inside causes the skin to rapidly lose moisture in the winter. The best way to combat this, along with your skincare, is to hydrate from within. Help your skin by drinking 2-3 litres of water every day. 
Top tip: if you are struggling, invest in a water tracker water bottle, so you can see your progress throughout the day.

Winter Skincare Guide: SkinBase Treatments (13-15)
Even if you do everything right, it still can be difficult to keep winter skin healthy alone. Luckily, you don’t have to. Invest in professional help, and treat yourself to a course of SkinBase Microdermabrasion/Collagen Lift/IPL this winter. 
A course of SkinBase Microdermabrasion will banish skin concerns, and ensure dead skin cells and debris are safely exfoliated off the skin’s surface. Book your first treatment today and turn dull skin into glowing skin. 
Rejuvenate your skin this winter with a course of SkinBase Collagen Lift. A boost of Collagen in winter is also a great way to prepare for party season. Achieve a physical and mental transformation from the very first treatment with the highly effective radio frequency energy.
IPL advanced treatments can treat a host of skin conditions often made worse by the winter weather. Find out how we can help keep your skin in great condition this winter. 
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