Winter Marketing Support 2023

Winter Marketing Support 2023

Maintaining healthy skin in the winter is tough. Your clients may be dealing with dryness, irritation, sun damage, flaky skin - the list goes on and on. It is a great time to connect with clients as you deepen their understanding of winter skincare. Remember - they don’t just want to feel okay, they want to glow!

So, now is the best time to focus on the importance of consistency and healthy habits. As party season approaches, it is up to you to banish seasonal skin concerns, tackle signs of ageing and rejuvenate the skin. But clients have to invest their time and efforts too. Courses are the best way for clients to achieve their desired results and get healthy skin for Christmas.

Resolving Skin Concerns - Offer Expertise

First things first - emphasise to clients the importance of having a consistent skincare routine. Often, concerns arise with the skin as it is missing something that it needs. Skincare treatments are not a "quick fix", and the best results are attained alongside appropriate home care.

When clients seek an expert opinion for their skin, they want all the help they can get to achieve results. Don't feel bad about recommending products that you retail. Just as you include a consultation as an essential part of your service, selling retail is an extension of that service. Purchasing skincare from their skincare therapist is highly convenient for clients, as they know the product is suitable for their skin and will enhance their treatment results. However, they are unlikely to ask about retail products if you do not guide them.

The products you retail are tried and tested, and represent the quality of your service and your business. As you get familiar with your client's skin, and understand the issues they are facing, it is the perfect time to offer your expertise. Be as specific as possible with the benefits of the product you recommend. Link it to their personal skin goals, and ensure they understand how you have tailored the recommendation to their needs. Focus on educating your client, not pushing products, and you will become more comfortable with this part of the service.

Resolving Skin Concerns - Offer Resources

Connecting with clients and offering your expertise does not have to end there. There are a range of resources on the SkinBase Knowledge Base and Beauty Blog that you can share with, and pass onto, your clients. Staying active across social media is a great way to remain present in your current client's minds, and attract new ones.

Use the Winter Skincare Social Posts in the Knowledge Base and offer your followers winter skincare tips to stay fresh and healthy as the temperatures drop.

The SkinBase Beauty Guides, which you can download for FREE on the website, are great resources packed full of hints and tips to help keep skin in amazing condition. A range of guides are available, from everything you need to know about Microdermabrasion, to pigmentation and skin blemishes.

The Beauty blog is packed full of tips and guidance to answer your questions, and remove barriers so your clients can get the glowing skin they want. Coming up on the blog is:
(1) What To Do about Winter Dehydrated Skin
(2) How To Soothe Irritated Hands in Winter
(3) 6 Full Body Winter Skincare Tips

Winter Skin Concerns

Winter skin concerns can be painful, uncomfortable and irritating, as well as largely decreasing confidence and self esteem. Luckily, you've got all the tools that your clients need to get on the path to perfect skin. We know that, and you know that - but do they? 

Sun Damage
Whether signs are now appearing on the skin after years of sun exposure, or a single sunny day without SPF over the summer, clients want help minimising the appearance of sun damage on their skin. Winter is a great time to target sun damage as the skin is mostly covered. Photoaging can show up on all areas of the body, as loss of skin tone, fine lines and wrinkles, pigmentation, texture, and broken capillaries.

Microdermabrasion is a great treatment for rejuvenating winter skin and banishing sun damage concerns. The exfoliating crystals work progressively to smooth out fine lines and wrinkles, break down pigmentation, and soften any rough texture. The vacuum action stimulates circulation, for a healthier appearance and a boost of skin-firming collagen.

Collagen Lift
Collagen Lift is also an ideal treatment for sun damaged skin, and offers a warming, relaxing boost for winter. The radio frequency energy tightens, firms, lifts and sculpts to minimise signs of photoaging. Fine lines and wrinkles are plumped and hyaluronic acid production is triggered. Therefore, the skin will remain hydrated for longer, and skin tone and texture will improve.

Intense Pulsed Light
Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) uses light energy to smooth fine lines and wrinkles, minimise age spots and pigmentation, and remove broken capillaries in as little as three treatments.

Dull, Dry, Irritated Skin
Temperatures dropping outside combined with harsh winds, indoor heating and a lack of moisture in the air can aggravate the skin - leading to a number of uncomfortable symptoms. Increased sensitivity, redness, dryness, irritation and a lacklustre appearance can all be real problems for winter skin.

Microdermabrasion exfoliates and resurfaces, so your clients can get rid of their lacklustre, flaking skin and get their glow back. Winter exfoliation is key to ridding the skin of dead cells and sensitive, dry patches. Microdermabrasion also encourages cell renewal, so the skin stays fresher for longer. The process also allows moisturiser, and other skincare products, to penetrate deeper into the skin to maintain hydration.

Collagen Lift
It is thought that increased stress can affect how the body retains water, and winter stress can be tough. Collagen Lift is the perfect treatment for clients to take 30 minutes out of their week to relax and destress. A boost of collagen is great for lacklustre winter complexions, as the skin will maintain water levels more efficiently, for a healthier, plumped appearance.

Collagen Lift Ultimate
If your clients do not want to decide between a refreshing Microdermabrasion treatment, and a warming Collagen Lift treatment this winter - they don't have to! The Collagen Lift Ultimate offers all of the fabulous benefits of both treatments in one!

Marketing Ideas
SkinBase treatments are progressive, so the best results are achieved through a course of sessions. To get clients in for a course, they must:
(1) Be aware that you offer the treatment.
(2) Understand how the treatment will benefit them.
(3) Understand how your business adds value they can't find elsewhere.

Shout on Social Media
The best way to make clients aware of your treatment offerings, other than chatting about your services with everyone who walks through the door, is to consistently post across social media. Even if you are posting daily images, reels, and stories, it is likely that only a percentage of your followers are seeing them. Increasing the frequency of posting will allow greater reach, and get your treatments in front of new clients.

Consistent posting is also important as potential clients who come across your profile will be assessing if you are a good match. If they are looking to heal and rejuvenate their winter skin, and your last posts are summer related, they won't stick around.

Refine your Social Media
Remember - if you are active across multiple social media accounts, ensure that your profiles are consistent across each site. Potential clients coming from Facebook, for example, and searching on instagram will expect to see the same information. If your accounts are not linked, or are not easily found, clients will give up and go elsewhere. Don't make it hard for them!

- Have a consistent profile picture across your accounts.
- Link your Instagram and Facebook profiles together.
- Have a logical username e.g. your salon name/your name.
- Keep them updated!

Remember, social media is not the only way to communicate with your clients. Over winter, and the festive period, you want to ensure you are maintaining a good relationship with your loyal clients. Using SMS, email newsletters and even old fashioned print will keep you in touch with clients, and help you stay at the forefront of their minds.

- Send handwritten Christmas cards to your most loyal clients, inviting them for a new year skin refresher. The personal touch will help maintain your relationship, and also prevent the January slump if they take you up on your offer.

- Use email newsletters to keep clients up to date on any seasonal events happening in salon, any new treatments, and anything else you want them to know! Investing a small amount of time into your marketing can really help you build and maintain those relationships.


Before and Afters
The best way to tell clients about how SkinBase treatments can benefit their skin? Show them! We are nearing the end of the second year of the Transformation of the Year competition, and have lots of fabulous before and after images to show for it.

Have your Transformation 22 book easily accessible in your salon, so clients can take a look through and see the fabulous Collagen Lift, Microdermabrasion and IPL results achieved. Use the competition before and afters on the Knowledge Base and post them across your social media, and on your website for clients to see.

Remember - you should be taking your own before and after images for your client's benefit. Track their progress and help them to identify exactly how the treatment is working for their skin. For guidance on how to take the best before and after images, find the "taking before and after pictures" article on the Knowledge Base.

Add Value

Go The Extra Mile
Differentiate your treatments and your services from those around you, and go the extra mile for your clients.

(1) Position Properly - Ensure your business reflects your goals and values so that you can attract clients that are a good fit for you. Focusing too heavily on cost can attract short term, superficial relationships, so try to find your niche or area of expertise in the market. A great way to do this is to establish a brand.

(2) Establish a Brand - Establishing a coherent brand allows clients to recognise and differentiate you from competitors. Remember who your business is and who you want to attract when writing social media posts, answering the phone, creating visuals etc.

(3) Stay Educated - Continually adding to your knowledge and skills and understanding what is happening in the market allows you to provide the best experience for your clients. Elevate your service, and clients will keep coming back.

Helpful Blogs
Here are a few links to some of our previous blogs around relevant topics, feel free to copy and edit these to use in your own marketing messages.

The Importance of Toner in Winter
5 Top Tips to Soothe Dry and Itchy Winter Skin
Keep your eye out on our social media and in our weekly beauty email for more themed blogs and promotional content for you to use. Follow the link below to the SkinBase Knowledge Desk, where you can search in here using keywords to find content to use.

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