Wedding Season Marketing

Wedding Season Marketing

Wedding season – get those bridal bookings!

With wedding season approaching, we’re turning our attention to all things bridal. It’s time to start getting your brides (and grooms) in through the doors and make those course bookings that will keep them coming back right up until the big day.

Sell your courses
It’s really important to get your customers booked in for a course, rather than just a single session, because as you know, that’s the key to getting the best improvements for clients. When you’re talking to brides or making marketing content for them, make sure to explain this to them. They’ll probably be thinking about diet and exercise routines in the run-up to their wedding, so explain that skincare and beauty treatments work in exactly the same way. Make sure you focus on the fact that they have to find and start a treatment programme with plenty of time before their wedding if they want results, and you can even use it to build urgency (a very effective sales technique). Here’s an example:

12 Weeks before the big day? If you hurry, you’ve still got time to book our Deluxe Wedding Facial Programme!

Where to advertise?
Brides-to-be are always shopping around, partly to look for the best deals on all the things they need, but also because many of us love wedding stuff, and it’s actually really fun! So it shouldn’t be hard for you to find brides to market your services to. Here are just a few places and methods:

  • Team up with a local bridal boutique to advertise each other’s services – perhaps by leaving promo cards next to each other’s doors or tills.
  • Buy a stand at a local wedding fair
  • Client share with makeup artists and hair stylists in the area
  • Local wedding planners may also be open to cross-promoting
  • Social media content – give your followers tips on pre-wedding skincare, make them simple and easy to share, and you might benefit from your current clients tagging their engaged friends in your post!

Social Media Advertising
Everyone wants to advertise to brides-to-be, which means that it can be hard to reach them, but if you can put aside a bit of money for advertising, you should find that you get a good response. However, you need to make sure that you advertise specifically to your local brides to make the most use of your money. If you’re advertising on Instagram and Facebook, here are some ideas to make sure you hit the target audience exactly:

  • Age: 23-40
  • Location: Make sure this is your local area, depending on how densely populated the area around your salon is, it could be 20 miles or as little as 1 mile.
  • Gender: Although it’s true that men should be able to have whatever cosmetics treatments they want, the fact is that if you’re using your hard earned money to advertise, you want to choose the people most likely to respond, so our advice for wedding beauty adverts is to stick with targeting women. If you do decide to do something for the guys, make it a separate, male-specific advertising campaign.
  • Interests: Here’s where you need to get clever. Don’t just target women who are interesting in ‘weddings’. Choose wedding planning websites and magazines, wedding dress brands, local bridal salons, locally popular exercise and weight loss programmes. Also pick some premium makeup brands and popular influencers, to make sure you’re targeting women who are appearance-conscious.

Marketing content
Whether you’re doing paid advertising or just social media posts and emails, make sure you mention any promotions in your content, and always remember to sell as a course. Use before and after photos in all of your unpaid content, as they are super valuable when it comes to convincing people to pay for a course. Check out the attachments for our latest wedding-themed promotional images. 

Last-minute pre-wedding treatments
We know a course is going to give the best results, but let's face it there are plenty of last-minute heroes out there! So make sure to market your treatments to this segment of the bridal market too. SkinBase Microdermabrasion can help skin feel amazing and provide results straight away.

Planning a wedding is stressful for everyone involved, but the most stress definitely falls on the bride. Stress breakouts are all too common for brides-to-be, and Microdermabrasion is the perfect, fast acting, gentle but effective way to help her sort out those spots. An added bonus is that Microdermabrasion is a really relaxing treatment, so it gives her a chance to sit back and be calm before the big day.

Mother of the Bride (or Groom)
Next to the bride, we think the mums are probably the people who take the wedding most seriously. They want to look their absolute best as they greet friends and family members they may not have seen for years! And they might be worried about how much their skin has changed since they last saw all of these people. An MD facial will make sure they are sporting a fresh, clear complexion that will make her third cousin or great aunt wonder what her secret is.

The last place a man wants to end up with stubble rash is his wedding. Not only will all eyes be on him, but he’s also going to be in a lot of photos and he isn’t going to want red bumps all over his face! Microdermabrasion can help to prevent this by removing the layers of dead skin that trap new hairs and cause redness, irritation and itching on the face and neck. Instead, his skin will look fresh, soft and clean-shaven; perfect for that first kiss!

Everyone wants to look good at a wedding, whether it’s because they’ll be seeing people they haven’t seen in ages, or because they won’t know very many people at all and want to make a good impression. 

This is one that can appeal to almost any wedding guest. Microdermabrasion mani/pedis are an amazing way to introduce your clients to the wonders of Microdermabrasion, without having to get them to commit to a course of facials. It’s a great way to make a pre-wedding beauty treatment that little bit more special. Plus, once they experience how fabulous their hands or feet feel and look, they’ll be convinced that MD will help them to get the skin they want!

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