IPL Videos

IPL Videos

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      IPL Golden Rules
    • IPL Pull-Up Banner Designs

      IPL Hair Banner     IPL Advanced Pull-Up Banner Design IPL Pull-Up banners can be purchased for £50 (this price is correct at time of publish 19/8/2022 please check price when you order) +postage if your order is under £55 Postage is: £5.80 UK ...
    • IPL Training and Support Videos

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    • Technical Support Demo Videos

      You can follow the links to access the technical support videos: Including: 1. Turning Your IPL Machine On https://www.dropbox.com/s/8dnbo9h04j9tvsa/1%20TURNING%20YOUR%20IPL%20MACHINE%20ON.MOV?dl=0 2. Top Up Your IPL Water ...
    • IPL Marketing Ideas

      Marketing Ideas Post your new IPL treatments on Facebook, ask people to like and share to be entered into a free prize draw. Use your free launch day and plan effectively to get the most out of this. Add prices to your website and Facebook. - Most ...