Summer Marketing Support

Summer Marketing Support

If the sun shining means the salon is empty, you don’t need to panic. You can beat the summer slump with SkinBase. This time of year is excellent for taking advantage of seasonal events, adding extra value to your loyal clients and bringing in new ones! Read on for our top tips to kickstart your Summer Marketing.

Bring In New Clients

Summer is a great time to bring in some new clientele, as you can meet their needs prior to various celebrations and events. July is a big month for those celebrating educational achievements, as school leavers attend eagerly-awaited proms, and Universities host summer graduations.

Prom and Graduation

Prom and graduation are highly anticipated events, each marking the end of an era and the beginning of something new. A “bring a friend” promotion could work well to get salon seats filled up as school and uni friends get ready to celebrate their achievements together. You can explain how Microdermabrasion is beneficial for more than just the face and get their hands and feet ready for the big day. A Microdermabrasion mani-pedi will be a confidence booster as they walk across the stage in heels or find the perfect matching shoes for their prom dress. It is not just young people graduating either, mature students may appreciate a Collagen boost prior to getting their diploma, so market your treatments accordingly!

Seeing children go to prom and graduate is also a big moment for parents, as they wonder where all the time went. While you may not be able to change time, you definitely can turn back the clock on their skin. Offering a special Microdermabrasion promotion for a parent and child is a great way to allow them to spend time together while getting both parties ready to glow in the event pictures. Microdermabrasion is perfect for treating teen acne as it removes dead skin cells and unclogs pores. MD is also a fantastic choice for a glowing boost for those in their 20s, and for more mature skin, as it lessens fine lines and wrinkles in as little as one treatment.

Ensure you find out when these celebrations are happening in your area so you can tailor events and promotions around them. Also, be careful not to discount too heavily, as these new clients will expect similar prices in the future. Also, remember to check the age limit your insurer specifies regarding Microdermabrasion treatments. Though MD is a great treat for skin on those 13+, check with your insurer as they may require your clients to be over 18.

Sunkissed - Not Sun Damaged

It is likely that clients will be looking to achieve a sunkissed glow this summer. However, if they do not understand the dangers of sun exposure and forget their SPF, sun damage will be more likely. In the weeks prior to holiday booking, remind clients of the importance of UV protection. Nobody wants pigmentation as a summer souvenir, so encourage clients to stock up on your retail products before they go. Highlighting Aloe Vera as a holiday must have is also a good idea, as it is brilliant for soothing summer skin. You could also explain the benefits of IPL Photorejuvenation and microdermabrasion for sun damaged skin and encourage them to book a course for September - just in case.

Staycation Salon

While some clients go off to explore, others prefer to stay closer to home and maybe have a Staycation instead. Busy parents or stressed students may be skipping holidays altogether. For these clients, you could offer a Staycation package. Regardless of their destination, everyone wants the opportunity to feel relaxed and be pampered. Make this happen by turning your salon into a getaway. Have a summery beach window display, offer promotions on seasonal treatments and maybe even throw in a complimentary mocktail with each treatment. Reward busy clients for taking the time to visit your salon. These clients may also be great to offer loyalty cards to.

Marketing Days - Skincare Cocktailing

If you know that some days of the week are slower than others, you can turn that into an opportunity. Marketing Days are a great way to turn a slow day around and get clients. For example, if you’re not seeing many customers on a Sunday - turn it into “Skincare Sundays”, focus on facials and make it fun! Uneventful Mondays could become Microdermabrasion Mondays. Offer 10% off, and a bigger discount if they book a course and get your day full of Microdermabrasion treatments.

You can also plan events around special dates in the calendar to generate interest and have a bit of fun. July 10th is Pina Colada day, which is the perfect time to get those complimentary mocktails, and educate your clients on ‘Skincare Cocktailing’.

Skincare Cocktailing is exactly what it sounds like. It is a combination of skincare ingredients that fit together and mix to enhance the end result. Instead of a fruity cocktail – you are achieving glowing skin! Give consultations on the day, and help your clients tailor the best skincare cocktail for their skin. This is a great opportunity to develop relationships with clients, offer them something extra they may not be receiving elsewhere, and book courses and sell products.

SPF is going to be a key part of everyone’s skincare cocktail, so make sure you are stocked up! Call the office now on * to order your Daily Repair and Protect creams, and Daily Protect SPF creams. Some clients may prefer a dual SPF and moisturiser, while others will want two separate products. You can also check out our free blog on Skincare Cocktailing to find out more and help you plan your event.

SkinBase Transformation of the Year

Clients who are having Staycations this year may be wishing they were jetting off to warm, sandy beaches - and they can be! You still have time to enter the SkinBase Transformation of the Year 2023 competition. The winning client will receive the coveted title of “SkinBase Transformation of the Year” and will win a 10 day holiday to the Caribbean - as will their Skinbase Therapist! The holiday is a great incentive to get clients tackling their skincare woes and booking courses of treatment. You can share before and after images from the competition to let clients see the results they could be achieving.

Confidence Boosting Promotions

Ultimately, the best way to get clients to book treatments is to boost their confidence. MD pedicures are great seasonal promotions for summer as winter shoes go away. After a cold winter of wrapping up, our feet may not be in their best condition, and some people may be embarrassed to get them out. Clients will be looking for the perfect treatment - and the MD pedicure is just that. Use before and after pedicure transformations to assure clients of fantastic results and give them their confidence back.

Feet are not the only thing that we see more of in summer. As the temperature heats up, people will be wearing less and more will be on show. Some may not like the idea of this and will need a little pampering to get them bikini ready. The SkinBase Collagen Lift treatment sculpts, tightens, and tones the body. Offer a free treatment when booking a course of CL and help clients get body confident in time for their holidays.

Summer Skincare Blogs

Here are a few links to some of our previous blogs around the topic of Summer Skincare, feel free to copy and edit these to use in your own marketing messages.

Blog: Bring in New Clientele This Summer

Blog: Save Your Skin This Summer

Blog: Four Easy Steps to Beautiful Skin This Summer

Blog: Manage Acne in Summer

Blog: Top Tips to Sweatproof Your Makeup This Summer

Keep your eye out on our social media and in our weekly beauty email for more themed blogs and promotional content for you to use. 

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