Summer Marketing

Summer Marketing

Body Treatments

Summer is a great time to amp up your body treatment offering. As people start to unwrap there may be areas they want to improve the appearance of. Back treatments, back of the arms and pedicures are especially popular areas. We've attached our body treatments guide for you and there's is a section all about body treatments in the marketing section too. Take a look at the blog links below for content ideas for your posts.

Bring in New Clientele This Summer
Traditionally, the salon is a haven for parents who like to escape the realities of the day-to-day, including children…BUT summer can sometimes bring a bit of a lull with many regular clients on holiday. So, if you’ve got some free slots, it may be worth considering offering some special packages for mums and daughters.
Introducing Summer Packages
There are lots of potential new packages that you can introduce in your salon during the summer holidays. We’ve listed some below which predominantly focuses on a mother and daughter dynamic, but you can always adapt this to cater to fathers and sons too. 

Mum and daughter pamper session

Nothing beats a good bonding session like a mum and daughter pamper package. Especially as young girls grow older, they lose out on precious one-to-one time with their mums, so setting up a package that will help them come together while being spoiled. 

Makeup and skincare lessons for teens

Puberty can be a difficult time for the skin, so hosting classes or workshops for young teens to find out how to best care for their skin is a great way to stand out from the crowd. You are also bringing on board the new generation of clients and if you drill home the importance of good skincare at a young age, it should make selling your microdermabrasion course much easier in the future! 

Friend pamper package

– You could introduce a friend’s pamper package that groups of girls could use as a birthday treat or just something to do on a rainy day. These are becoming increasingly popular. Set the group size (for example from 2 – 6) and offer a range of relaxing treatments. This is a great way to get Mums through the door too.

Makeup tutorial

A short class on how to match foundation to skin tone and what makeup works best is a great way to build up potential future clients. Young girls may not have the right set of tools when it comes to makeup, especially when just starting out. So, by teaching them correctly from the start, they may come back to you for future services and treatments (you could even put together a starter pack).

In fact, a makeup tutorial is suitable for all ages. As we get older we often find our skin changes. As fine lines set in a lighter touch is needed to avoid makeup looking too heavy on the skin.  Some tips on switching up products and ways to do makeup for mature skin will help your clients to feel confident in their appearance and this may well lead to a course of microdermabrasion facials as of course, makeup glides on freshly exfoliated skin! 

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