SkinBase Marketing Advice

SkinBase Marketing Advice

Marketing Advice & Ideas 

Need help boosting your business?

Working in industry we face the same challenges you do, that constant recruitment for new clients, creating relationships to maintain existing clients, and thinking of new ways to promote, it gets exhausting! So let us help

When in business, promotion often means we have to make a slight discount to our charges, and sometimes this takes it to where it isn't feasible and it eats into our wage. So this is our first point.

Charge What You’re Worth
Some people think charging less attracts more custom or are scared to charge higher in case they lose custom. When deciding on your pricing you need to make sure you cover your costs, premises, consumables, insurance, phone bills. It all accounts to that one appointment. You also need to ensure you pay yourself a wage, charge you’re worth, and ensure you are making money from each treatment. You also need to add on a profit. This will give you the leeway to re-invest money into the business, new treatments, new marketing without it costing you personally and taking away your wage. The profit also gives you the flexibility to create offers to attract new customers without you losing out.

Client Reviews
Client reviews and client recommendation can hugely drive a business to grow and attract loyal clients. On social media or on booking sites ensure you showcase your client reviews, screen shot a message they have sent or ask them to leave a review to build your reputation. If you are really struggling offer an incentive for a client to leave a review. You could also offer a recommend a friend scheme, offering either £5 off for each person, or offering an upgraded version of the treatment as an incentive.

Promotional Ideas
When creating promotional incentives, think about what is feasible for you to actually offer and remember, not one size fits all. When it comes to offering promotions think of ways which wont cost you much, but will enhance your client experience, I find massage perfect as an add on because its minimal cost and feels luxurious for the client. Here are some different ideas below

New client promotion – Offer an incentive for new clients on their first treatment, whether its a discount or an upgraded version. 

Loyalty cards - Its always worth giving back to your clients that give to you, you want to ensure you are showing your clients you value their custom. Loyalty cards are perfect for this as clients have to aim to have a certain amount of treatments before reaping the rewards, and it can be % off, an upgraded version, you can tailor it to suit your clients. 

Recommend a friend schemes – As mentioned before, recommendations are huge part of building your clientele. For recommendations I always say you need to set yourself above the rest, that what sets yourself apart from the competition, if you deliver to a high standard from each initial stage so with booking, how you consult with your clients, performing the treatment and their aftercare, it goes a long way. As an incentive for people to recommend you could give £5 off, an upgraded version of the treatment as a thank you for that recommendation, offer what is feasible for you to. 

Upgrading treatments – When you have a quite spell offering something more for less always helps to attract customers. Including upgrades which are minimal cost will help remain financially viable and shouldn’t cut into the treatment costs. For a course booking you could always offer the last treatment as a luxury version so it takes them into the maintenance sessions.
Massage – A great way to create luxury version without a huge cost, whether its a scalp massage, shoulder and neck massage, hand and arm massage, for body treatments a foot massage could be included. 
Mask – A mask is a perfect way to upgrade a basic treatment if massage isn’t your forte, for body treatments you could add a moisturising body butter and cocoon them with a blanket.
Ritual – Some brands have signature rituals to perform before each treatment, create your own identity with a signature ritual that you perform before each treatment. It adds the element of luxury to your treatments and will set yourself apart to competitors

Products – When advertising for clients to book courses, an incentive always helps. However, it doesn’t always need to be a discounted amount. You could choose a product which would help with their results, you could price it into the course if needed and do a bundle package, or if its feasible offer a free aftercare product when they book a course of so many treatments. This can give you the option to tailor it for clients, some might prefer a discount, others might prefer a product so you can appeal everyone temptations. 

Aftercare kits – Another way to set yourself apart is to provide an aftercare kit for your clients, it doesn’t need to be expensive and can be costed into the treatment amount, but its a nice touch for clients. You can ensure they have everything they need for the best results and they have a nice gift to take away with them. It could consist of items such as; Sample products, aftercare instructions, necessary consumables, a little sweet treat (I use palma violets as they are inexpensive but lindt chocolates would also be perfect) 

Book for 2 People – Offering for clients to book together is perfect for gaining you new clients, its always a bonus to offer a discount when both book together and it creates a fun shared experience for them. You could also create an experience for them and turn it into a gift package for birthdays, Christmas and for those special moments in life. If allowed, you could serve a pastry collection post treatment, we all love a glass of prosecco however super smoothies are also a fab option, or fruit sorbets. 

Social Media

Whether we like social media or not, it plays a huge part in our clientele and acts as our portfolio of work for prospective clients to look at. Ensure you social media is up to date and provide as much information you can. For example highlights giving a tour of the salon, pre treatment information, price lists, booking information, if its too difficult for clients to find information, they might pass on it so don’t fall foul to this. Keep photos up to date and try to create a brand aesthetic as it gives a greater element of professionalism and appeals more to prospective clients. Keep you photos up to date, for clients looking for a new salon if they can see up to date results of your work, it gives them more confidence to book. Don’t be afraid of videos and lives, let’s be honest not everyone enjoys these, it took myself a while to get comfortable and I often had to write out what I wanted to say, but its a great way to introduce clients to new treatments, show them the face behind the business and demo treatments to be more interactive. It’s not everyone's forte but you’ll be surprised the difference it makes and there are tutorials available to help. 

We hope this helps you in growing your business and good luck!

Many thanks,

The SkinBase Trainers x

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