Mother's Day Marketing 2024 Part 1

Mother's Day Marketing 2024 Part 1

Mother’s Day is on March 10th in 2024. If you’re a mum yourself we hope you’re looking forward to a lovely day! Until then, you have lots of time to take advantage of Mother’s Day as the fabulous marketing opportunity that it is for SkinBase treatments and skincare.

Stay Compassionate
First things first, it is important to remember that Mother’s Day is not a happy occasion for some people. For women struggling with fertility issues, or those that have lost a mother or a child, it can be a difficult day. You can stay compassionate by always writing ‘Mother’s Day’ in the text of your posts and in your email subject lines. Some websites and email providers have opt out options, so your Mother’s Day content will be hidden from people who do not want to see it. Make sure to intersperse your Mother’s Day content across social media sites with plenty of other content too.

Be Inclusive
If you’re targeting mums - you’re targeting a wide range of people. There are all sorts of different mums and mother figures to be celebrated in March, which means there are lots of different ways you can talk about Mother’s Day in your marketing. This is beneficial as you can reach a large number of people. Be careful not to exclude by using restrictive language or imagery.

SkinBase Treatments for All
While you would usually stick to your target market for your marketing, for Mother’s Day you can expand your efforts to reach more potential clients. SkinBase treatments are as versatile as mums are, and there is a treatment for everyone. Studies suggest that lots of women report a dip in confidence and self esteem after having children, because of the emotional and physical toll it can take on the body. This is particularly true for mothers with small children. SkinBase treatments offer a moment of relaxation, pampering and indulgence. Even better than that, they provide seriously effective results. So, mum’s can receive the gift of boosted confidence, and get the skin they’ve always wanted!

Menopausal Mothers
Lots of women are now choosing to have children later in life. As a result of this, many are raising young children when they begin experiencing perimenopausal symptoms. Therefore, they are dealing with the ‘confidence dip’ that for many comes with being a new mother, while their hormone levels fluctuate and drop too. Menopausal mothers can largely benefit from SkinBase treatments to ease their stressful, frustrating and often painful symptoms. Mother’s Day is an excellent opportunity to start those conversations and build long term relationships with clients.

Partner Up for Mother's Day
Another good way to ensure you can target the variety of mums out there is to partner up with another local business. A gift voucher is the perfect Mother’s Day gift as it can be traded in for a lovely, relaxing experience - especially for the mum who has everything. However, when individuals are looking for gifts for their loved ones, they want something big and eye-catching. You can create bespoke gift packages, combining your partner businesses offerings with your vouchers and retail products. When partnering up to create packages, think about what people enjoy receiving on Mother’s Day - flowers, chocolates, jewellery etc., and go from there.

SkinBase Transformation of the Year
With the SkinBase Transformation of the Year 2024 competition happening right now, it is a great time to promote courses of treatment to transform Mum’s skin this Mother’s day. Client before and afters are a great way to show your potential clients what they could achieve with a course of treatment. There are a wide range of results and testimonials available for you to use from the previous years competition. Think about what skin concerns your clients may have, and what your SkinBase treatments can do to solve them, and create your marketing.

SkinBase Microdermabrasion
SkinBase Microdermabrasion is an excellent option for Mums who want to rejuvenate a tired complexion, brighten their post-pregnancy pigmentation, treat hormonal acne or banish stretch marks.

SkinBase Intense Pulsed Light
SkinBase IPL is the ideal option for Mums who want to boost their confidence by minimising their unwanted hair or signs of ageing, treating acne or thread veins, or reducing signs of sun damage.

SkinBase Collagen Lift
For Mums who want to turn back the clock on their skin, SkinBase Collagen Lift is the answer. Collagen Lift can also be used across the body to stimulate collagen production and plump areas of skin with stretch marks, or restore tautness to sagging skin.

In-Store Events
While mother’s day is centred around mums receiving gifts from their partner’s and children, there is no reason why they can’t treat themselves too. In-store events are a great way to attract attention and give mums an opportunity to splurge on themselves for once. By offering free skin consultations and patch tests, you can start conversations with mums about their skin concerns, and point them in the direction of the perfect SkinBase treatment. You could offer a small discount for mums who book a treatment in march, and make it known that you offer gift vouchers for their children to gift them. In-store events are a great way to make a memorable impression and get people talking - so potential clients are back in the door even after mother’s day is over. To make it extra special, you could send mums home with a goodie bag - with skin samples or a mini gift. An event is a good way to make some engaging social media content too.

Social Media
Social media is an excellent marketing tool. However you decide to celebrate mother’s day within your business, make sure you are repeatedly talking about it across each of your social media sites. Remember - your followers will not always see everything you post, so it is best to get your treatments, updates, offers and events out there as many times as possible to get in front of lots of eyes. You can also promote your treatments and increase your reach on social media by running a Mother’s day competition. Create a giveaway bundle - a mixture of vouchers and retail products - and ask your followers to tag a mum who deserves to win, while also following your page and liking and sharing the post. Celebrate deserving mums, and get your treatments out there too. Don’t forget to tag your location in your posts, so those in your local area can get involved.

Spread the Word
In the run-up to Mother’s Day, you can’t just target mums. So, you will need to try and reach a market that you might not usually have much contact with, such as your client’s partners who will be buying gifts on behalf of their children, and older children, teenagers and young adults buying for their mums. Here are some tips for how to reach this wider audience:

  1. Window displays – Use all of the space you have to make an impression and grab attention - make sure your window displays are Mother’s Day themed, and mention gift vouchers or any offers you’re doing so that anyone walking around looking for a present for their mum doesn’t miss it!
  2. Talk to your clients – If you do other treatments or beauty services in your salon, such as hair or nails, make sure your clients know that you’re offering skin treatment gift vouchers (and offers, if applicable) for Mother’s Day.
  3. Make a special gift voucher for Mother’s Day – Even if you use online/email gift vouchers, why not have it redesigned to reflect the special day, with a floral or spring-inspired background?
  4. Social advertising – Times where you want to reach a group of people who wouldn’t normally follow you, it’s a good idea to set aside a bit of budget for advertising. Make the posts focused on the availability of gift vouchers for Mother’s Day.

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