Mother's Day Marketing 2024 Part 2: Postpartum Skincare

Mother's Day Marketing 2024 Part 2: Postpartum Skincare

The skin is the body’s largest organ, and it goes through lots of changes to accommodate pregnancy and birth. Hormonal fluctuations and structural, vascular and glandular changes each contribute to the development of skin concerns during pregnancy and beyond. For some women, pre-existing skin conditions can improve during pregnancy for a healthy glow. However, for most women pre-existing skin conditions worsen. Though postpartum skin conditions can be difficult to experience, with time and the correct treatments, clients can rejuvenate their skin.

Postpartum Skin Concern: Melasma
SkinBase Treatment: Microdermabrasion

Pigmentation changes are incredibly common in pregnant women due to elevated hormones. Increased levels of oestrogen and progesterone activate melanocytes within the skin, which causes dark patches of melasma or “pregnancy mask” across the face. Pigmentation can be exacerbated by sun exposure, so applying daily SPF is vital in keeping the skin healthy. Melasma commonly begins during the second or third trimester, and can begin to fade post-birth. However, it can take months for melasma to fade completely, and for some women it may never go away without treatment.

SkinBase Microdermabrasion is an excellent option for clients suffering with melasma, improving the appearance of the skin through exfoliation. Let new mums know that Microdermabrasion is non-invasive, and uses crystals to gently remove the outermost layer of dead skin cells, while stimulating collagen production. Highlight SkinBase Microdermabrasion as a progressive treatment to emphasise the importance of a course of treatments instead of a single session. Don’t forget to manage client expectations by making them aware that the effectiveness of the microdermabrasion treatment depends on the type of melasma and the depth of the pigmentation they are suffering with.

Postpartum Skin Concern: Stretch Marks
SkinBase Treatment: Microdermabrasion

Stretch marks affect around 80% of pregnant women, appearing as the pregnancy progresses and the skin starts to stretch to accommodate the growing uterus. The stretching of the skin causes connective tissues to tear, resulting in pink, red, brown, or purple streaks across the skin. Stretch marks commonly occur across the tummy and upper thighs of pregnant women. After birth, stretch marks may gradually fade and become pale and silvery, and less noticeable on the skin. SkinBase Microdermabrasion can speed up this process and make the skin appear more even.

When marketing Microdermabrasion stretch mark treatments to new mums, it is important to manage expectations and make clients aware that no treatment can fully eliminate stretch marks. However, SkinBase Microdermabrasion is an excellent, non-invasive option to blend the stretch marks into the surrounding areas of skin and make them less noticeable. Emphasise the benefits of Microdermabrasion for stretch marks, such as the stimulation of new collagen and elastin fibres to tighten and plump the skin, and the positive effect MD has on the cell renewal process. Remember - in order for stretch marks to be treated successfully with SkinBase MD, we recommend that they are treated when they are at least 6 months old, but not yet faded and silver. Let clients know that MD can make the streaks look worse before they get better, and this is not a cause for concern.

Post-Pregnancy & SkinBase Microdermabrasion
Pregnant clients can not have SkinBase Microdermabrasion as increased hormone levels combined with the stimulation of Microdermabrasion could result in pigmentation. New mums can begin treating their postpartum skin concerns with SkinBase Microdermabrasion 6-8 weeks after birth. Breastfeeding mums can have SkinBase Microdermabrasion, as long as it has been 6-8 weeks since birth. Advise your client to stay protected with SPF during a course of MD and beyond, to prevent further skin issues.

Postpartum Skin Concern: Thread Veins
SkinBase Treatment: Intense Pulsed Light

Over the course of pregnancy, the blood volume of pregnant women increases by up to 50% to manage the demands of foetal nourishment. Weight gain is also common, resulting from the increased blood volume, as well as the enlarged uterus, growing foetus, amniotic fluid, and placenta. The combination of these two factors results in increased pressure on the veins, causing those at the surface to dilate and enlarge. Enlarged blood vessels appear as visible, red, webbed marks across the skin. The appearance of enlarged blood vessels can improve with no treatment, usually within 3-6 months post-birth. However, SkinBase IPL is a quick, effective treatment option for stubborn thread veins.

SkinBase IPL is incredibly effective, and you can let new mums know that unsightly thread veins can be removed in as little as 1-3 treatments. As SkinBase IPL is non-invasive, you can make clients aware that no downtime is necessary post-treatment, and they can easily get back to their mum duties. As IPL for thread vein removal works by targeting light energy deep into the skin, clients can be assured that their skin concerns are being treated at the source, and veins will be reabsorbed by the body, leaving little or no trace of the original lesions.

Postpartum Skin Concern: Acne
SkinBase Treatment: Intense Pulsed Light

Progesterone levels elevate during pregnancy to ensure the uterine lining remains healthy. However, the increased hormone levels triggers excess oil production, causing sebum to accumulate and clog the pores. This process can result in pregnancy acne for a lot of women. Pregnancy acne often clears up post-partum as progesterone levels decrease. However, for some new mums this is not the case, and they may need extra help to restore their healthy skin. SkinBase IPL is an excellent acne treatment.

New mums with hormonal acne may be feeling unconfident and as a result, may be sceptical about treatments that claim to rejuvenate their skin. The best way to handle this is with education. Help your clients to understand exactly how SkinBase IPL works to treat the skin. Let clients know that the IPL handset emits red, green and yellow pulses of light into the skin, and each light has a specific purpose to tackle acne. The green and yellow lights destroy any harmful bacteria on the skin, preventing the bacteria from causing pus and inflammation, which in turn prevents the formation of new spots. The red light targets the overactive sebaceous glands that have been stimulated by pregnancy hormones. Therefore, minimising sebum production to help pores remain unclogged. IPL for acne can have transformational results in as little as 3 treatments.

Post-Pregnancy & SkinBase Intense Pulsed Light
Pregnant clients can not have SkinBase Intense Pulsed Light. New mums should wait 3 months after pregnancy to begin IPL treatments. Those that are breastfeeding can not begin IPL treatments until they have stopped breastfeeding for at least 3 months.

Postpartum Skin Concern: Dry Skin
SkinBase Treatment: Collagen Lift

Levels of oestrogen and progesterone drop after giving birth, which can be detrimental for the skin. The sudden lack of hormones affects collagen, elastin and hyaluronic acid production, so new mums may suffer from dry, flaky skin. A healthy skin barrier needs these components to function properly. Therefore, new mums may also suffer from increased transepidermal water loss, resulting in even dryer skin. Mums who are breastfeeding can lose even more hydration, as breastfeeding results in an increased water demand from the body. New mums should hydrate from the outside and from within, by maintaining a consistent skincare routine and drinking lots of water. For increased skin rejuvenation, the SkinBase Collagen Lift treatment is an effective, relaxing option to boost collagen, elastin, and hyaluronic acid production.

New mums suffering with dull, dry skin will need a boost, and the SkinBase Collagen Lift treatment is exactly that. Let clients know that with just 30 minutes of relaxation time, they can flood their skin with increased collagen, elastin and hyaluronic acid for a healthy, hydrated glow. As new mums benefit from their increased ability to retain moisture, they will also be able to achieve a rejuvenated complexion. SkinBase Collagen Lift is an excellent preventative treatment, to keep premature signs of ageing off of the skin. It is important to emphasise the need for consistent skincare to your Collagen Lift clients. The skin should stay as hydrated and moisturised as possible during a course of treatment and beyond.

Postpartum Skin Concern: Loose Skin
SkinBase Treatment: Collagen Lift

Once stretched during pregnancy, the skin can have a difficult time returning to its original shape. Many women find they have loose skin around their stomach after giving birth, and it does not go away easily. Exercise and nutrition are both key to firming loose skin, and they can have particularly effective results when combined with the SkinBase Collagen Lift treatment.

Skin laxity after giving birth can affect the confidence of new mums, as their body does not look the way it did pre-pregnancy. When offering SkinBase Collagen Lift as a potential treatment, it is important that clients understand how the treatment works. Described as feeling similar to a hot stone massage, clients should be aware that Collagen Lift uses radio-frequency energy to heat the deepest layers of the skin. As the heat stimulates collagen and elastin production, the skin benefits from a tightening, toning, firming effect over time.

Post-Pregnancy & SkinBase Collagen Lift
Pregnant clients can not have the SkinBase Collagen Lift treatment. Clients should wait 6-8 weeks after birth before having the treatment on the face. If new mums want to treat loose skin on the tummy, they must wait 3 months. If new mums have had a C-Section, they must wait 6 months. Those who breastfeed can have the treatment, as long as the previous rules have been followed.

SkinBase Essentials Skincare
Regardless of the specific skin concerns that new mums face, a consistent skincare routine is vital in maintaining healthy skin. We understand that new mums have very little spare time. The SkinBase Essentials range is the perfect way to ensure the skin gets what it needs, without a time consuming routine with too many steps. A simple cleanser, toner and combined moisturiser and spf can keep the skin healthy in just 3 steps. You can call the office on 01782 770810 to stock up, and sort your retail in time for Mother’s Day.
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