Microdermabrasion Customer Journey

Microdermabrasion Customer Journey

For maximum success with your SkinBase treatments, you can add value and satisfy clients by considering the stages of the customer journey. 

The Microdermabrasion Customer Journey 

The customer journey in general can be broken down into 5 areas: Awareness, Consideration, Decision, Retention and Advocacy. By considering your target MD client at each of these stages, you can ensure the journey runs as smoothly as possible to maximise your business. 

Stage 1: Awareness

The awareness stage is where potential clients become familiar with your business and your offerings, through advertising, word of mouth and social media. You should understand exactly who your target client is, and how they are discovering and interacting with your business to advise future marketing activities. 

Awareness Marketing Activities 

To get clients into the “awareness” phase of the customer journey, there are lots of different ways you can think of the MD treatment. One of the simplest ways to focus your marketing is to consider the specific skin concerns that MD can help with. You can also think of Microdermabrasion seasonally, and craft your marketing messages to emphasise 4 areas - MD in Winter, MD in Spring, MD in Summer and MD in Autumn. Or, you can use seasonal calendar events, such as Valentine’s Day, Mother’s Day, Wedding Season, Summer Holidays, Christmas etc., to plan your marketing activities throughout the year. 

FAQ: What Does Microdermabrasion Treat?

SkinBase Microdermabrasion is suitable for use on the face and across the body, to banish skin concerns such as: acne, fine lines and wrinkles, dull and tired skin, ageing skin, uneven skin tone, stretch marks, and pigmentation and blemishes. 

Stage 1: Educate & Solve Problems

At the awareness stage, it is likely that individuals will have skin concerns that they wish to treat, and will have discovered your business as a result. However, they will know very little about you or the Microdermabrasion treatment. So, your key goal here is to get potential clients to understand how you as a therapist and the SkinBase MD treatment can provide the best solution to their problems. Therefore, education is key. This can be done through informative social media posts, blog posts, videos, and other educational resources - such as the free SkinBase Definitive Guide to Microdermabrasion.

FAQ: What To Expect During an MD treatment

A gel cleanser will be used to ensure that your skin is clean and dry before your MD treatment commences. Then, a wand delivering a fine jet of abrasive crystals will be passed over the skin. Dead skin particles will be abraded away and a vacuum action will remove the debris. After passing across the skin area once, the wand will be used to target problem areas like open pores, pigmentation, fine lines, wrinkles, blemishes and acne scarring. After treatment, moisturiser and SPF will be applied to protect the skin. 

Frequently Asked Questions 

It is important to be prepared to answer frequently asked questions at this stage, to educate clients as fully as possible. By answering questions and highlighting those that they might not have thought of yet, you are helping to increase client understanding. Therefore, you are removing any barriers preventing clients from committing to the treatment. You can also increase your own credibility at this stage, and start to develop a relationship with potential clients by positioning yourself as an expert in this area. 

FAQ: How Does MD Work?

SkinBase Microdermabrasion is a progressive, not aggressive treatment. The dual action of the wand and the vacuum has a resurfacing effect, removing the top layers of the skin called the stratum corneum. This process stimulates blood flow, encouraging the skin to rejuvenate itself and stimulating the production of collagen and elastin.

Treating Skin Concerns: MD for Acne

When having Microdermabrasion for acne and acne scarring, the non-allergenic crystals exfoliate the skin and resurface the epidermis. A vacuum then removes any dirt, dead skin cells and debris that were clogging the pores. This treatment reduces the production of sebum, and helps active acne to heal. It also helps minimise the risk of scarring. Find out more about Microdermabrasion as an acne treatment. 

Stage 2: Consideration 

When potential clients realise they have a need that must be met, and identify possible solutions, they move into the consideration stage of the customer journey. Here, they will weigh up their shortlisted solutions, and decide which to go ahead with. This means they will be considering a variety of treatments that could improve the health of their skin. Therefore, at this stage you must set yourself apart and prove why you are the best, so clients progress to the decision stage. 

MD vs Chemical Peels 

Chemical peels, as the name suggests, are chemical solutions that improve the appearance of the skin by encouraging it to peel, uncovering the fresher skin below. Microdermabrasion also removes dead cells to reveal fresher skin, but does this through the exfoliation of the top layer of the skin. Both treatments are incredibly effective and offer fantastic results for the client. If clients want to feel rejuvenated immediately post treatment, MD may be the preferable option. 

Microdermabrasion Benefits 

Microdermabrasion has a huge number of benefits. As a non-surgical method of skin rejuvenation, MD is quick, convenient and painless - and incredibly effective. Communicate to clients in the consideration stage all of the fabulous ways that the treatment will enhance the health of their skin, and boost their confidence. 

  • Better Skin for Longer - MD enhances the cell renewal process, so dead skin is shed off the skin and replaced by healthy new cells much quicker - allowing better skin for longer. 

  • Improves Skin Tone & Texture - A course of SkinBase MD will work to smooth and firm the skin, for a more even toned, rejuvenated complexion. 

  • Zero Recovery Time - Unlike many skin rejuvenation treatments, MD is non invasive, and requires zero recovery time. It is often referred to as the ‘lunchtime facial’ because of its convenience. 

  • Enhanced Product Absorption - Microdermabrasion removes the dead skin from your face allowing your skin to better absorb your skincare products.

  • Everyone can benefit - Microdermabrasion is suitable for all skin tones and types, so whether you have normal, combination, acne-prone or sensitive skin, microdermabrasion can help!

MD vs Dermaplaning 

Both Microdermabrasion and Dermaplaning aim to remove dead skin cells, improve skin texture, and promote a rejuvenated appearance. Microdermabrasion achieves this with the use of a handheld wand and exfoliating crystals, whereas Dermaplaning requires the use of a surgical scalpel. If clients seek a gentle, non-invasive method suitable for various skin concerns, microdermabrasion may be the right choice. 

Social Proof

Unfortunately, consumers are increasingly sceptical and distrusting of marketing communications from businesses, and prefer the opinion of other clients. So, at this stage you should highlight the benefits of Microdermabrasion, using social proof such as before and afters and client testimonials to validate what you are saying. 

MD vs Dermabrasion 

Both Microdermabrasion and Dermabrasion work to improve skin texture and address skin concerns, though they differ in their methods, intensity, and outcomes. MD is a non-invasive, relatively gentle exfoliation treatment designed to address skin concerns with the use of crystals. Dermabrasion, on the other hand, is a more intensive procedure that targets deeper skin concerns. This technique involves using a rotating device with a rough, abrasive surface to remove the outer layers of skin. Unlike microdermabrasion, dermabrasion requires more downtime and involves some discomfort, so clients may prefer the relaxation and convenience of the SkinBase MD treatment. 

SkinBase Transformation of the Year 

The SkinBase Transformation of the Year competition launched in 2022, and our very first winner was a Microdermabrasion acne transformation. There are hundreds of fabulous Microdermabrasion before and after images, with accompanying client testimonials, that you can show to your own clients when discussing benefits. Your client could also become the next Transformation of the Year winner, as we are currently searching for the best results for 2024. 

MD vs Microneedling

Microneedling uses tiny needles which prick the skin causing damage to the epidermis and dermis. In doing so, this kickstarts the healing process and remodels the skin structures by producing more collagen and elastin. Microdermabrasion stimulates collagen and elastin by resurfacing the skin with exfoliating crystals, and suctioning the debris away. Microneedling is invasive, so can be painful and requires downtime while the skin heals. Clients concerned with these factors would be better off with SkinBase MD. 

Treating Skin Concerns: MD for Ageing Skin

Microdermabrasion works as a targeted and effective treatment for fine lines and wrinkles by removing the top layer of aged skin cells. The treatment process also increases the production of collagen, elastin and hyaluronic acid to plump the skin from within.  

Stage 3: Decision 

Commit to the treatment - or choose an alternative? By this point in the customer journey, clients have narrowed down their options to just a few and will be almost ready to make their decision. Transparency at this stage is key, as any last minute problems will have clients choosing an alternative option. Continue offering social proof in the form of competition before and afters and testimonials, and encourage clients to see you for a consultation and patch test to help them decide. 

FAQ: How Many MD Treatments Will I Need?

SkinBase recommends a course of treatments, ranging from three to six sessions depending on your skin concerns. People with more severe concerns, such as acne or acne scarring, might need more treatments. This can all be discussed during your initial consultation. We also recommend a monthly maintenance treatment after each course has finished to help maintain the results achieved.

Client Consultation

The client consultation is incredibly important at this stage to help clients make the decision to commit to MD. In the consultation stage of the treatment, education is vital to dispel any myths or misconceptions that may be preventing the client from making a decision. Delivering results that meet client expectations is also key to successfully providing non-surgical treatments, such as SkinBase Microdermabrasion. It is key that clients hold realistic expectations of what they can achieve, for success within the future stages of the customer journey. 

FAQ: When Will I See MD Results?

Depending on your skin concerns, you may see results immediately after your first treatment. You will definitely feel the benefits immediately, as your skin will be softer and supple. With each subsequent treatment your skin will continue to look and feel progressively better.

Client Understanding

Client understanding is key to getting clients to commit to both the treatment and their skincare journey. Client satisfaction is linked to level of information and understanding. Clients who are happiest, and therefore move into the retention and advocacy stages, are the ones who properly understand how the treatment is working to enhance the health of their skin. 

FAQ: Are MD Results Permanent?

Just like with any beauty treatment, you will need to continue caring for your skin on an ongoing basis if you want to maintain your results. If you don’t take steps to care for your skin once your treatments are finished, concerns can develop again over time. The good news is, if you maintain your beautiful new complexion, the results of your treatments could last indefinitely! Keep your skin clean, moisturised and protected from the sun. 

Launch Event 

If you have recently launched the SkinBase Microdermabrasion treatment in your business, and have lots of clients in the decision stage at once, it can be beneficial to host a salon launch event. Have a patch tested model ready, and give potential clients a demo of the treatment. Offer mini consultations and patch tests, and book clients in for a more comprehensive consultation when you have assessed their interest. 

FAQ: Can MD Damage The Skin? 

SkinBase Microdermabrasion is a safe, beneficial treatment performed by qualified, trained professionals. SkinBase Microdermabrasion does not cause damage. The award-winning treatment is a super effective method of skin rejuvenation. Removing dead skin cells to reveal the younger skin underneath is not harmful. It is a gentle and effective way to achieve a smooth and radiant complexion. 

Treating Skin Concerns: MD for Dull & Tired Skin

The cell renewal process becomes less efficient as we age. Dead skin cells remain on the skin for longer than usual, which prevents the skin from reflecting light. Therefore, your skin has a “duller” appearance. The exfoliating crystals remove this layer and encourage the cell renewal process. Cell turnover speeds up and skin looks brighter.

Stage 4: Retention 

If your clients are making it to the retention stage of the customer journey in your business, you can be assured that you are doing something right. Client retention is important as long term loyalty is key for beauty business. It is also commonly understood that client retention is a much less expensive process than recruiting new clients. 

FAQ: Why Are MD Maintenance Sessions Recommended?

If you have had a course of treatment, we recommend having monthly maintenance treatments to keep your skin in the best possible condition. A treatment every four weeks will ensure the cell renewal process is functioning as competently as possible. This means dead skin and debris will not stay on the skin for too long, and you will maintain a healthy glow.

Retaining Clients 

Skincare is a long term commitment. The SkinBase MD process does not end when a course is finished, so you should retain MD clients to continue to provide them with healthy skin. Results from MD treatments can be long lasting provided the skin has the right care and attention. However, the skin is constantly renewing itself and continually ageing. We recommend regular maintenance sessions after completing a course to maintain results and keep skin in great condition. So, ensure your clients know about this during the initial stages of the client journey, and you are more likely to retain them once their course is over. 

Retention strategies can be simple. Once your client finishes their course of 6 treatments, ensure you make efforts to maintain the rapport you have developed with them. Book them in for their first maintenance session at their last treatment to make the transition to once a month as easy as possible. Offer support and advice between treatments, and keep up to date about the health and appearance of their skin. Offer recommendations and expertise if they require it, such as directing them to other treatments to enhance their results. If you also offer SkinBase Collagen Lift, you could recommend a course of this too, or enhance results by combining it with MD for the CL Ultimate. Keep loyal clients up to date about new treatment launches and other business updates, so they feel valued and important.

FAQ: How To Maximise MD Results 

To maximise the effects of your treatment and to make sure you protect your skin, there are a few things you should do in the days or weeks following your treatment. Immediately post-treatment, your skin is likely to be more sensitive than usual so avoid harsh cleansers, active ingredients and scrubs. Due to the added sensitivity of your skin, you should also avoid direct sunlight for several days following your treatment to protect your skin. We recommend cutting down on caffeine and avoiding alcohol after your treatment, to ensure maximum hydration and blood flow. There are a number of steps we recommend you take on an ongoing basis to care for your skin and prevent skin concerns from developing again over time. Cleanse, exfoliate, stay moisturised and hydrated and protect your skin from the sun with SPF. 

Treating Skin Concerns: MD for Pigmentation

The stream of exfoliating crystals are directed across the area affected by pigmentation. The crystals exfoliate the skin, and abrade away any dead skin cells. Then, the debris is suctioned off the skin. Any superficial pigmentation on the epidermis will also be exfoliated away, for a more even skin tone. If you commit to a course of sessions, the MD process will enable deeper pigmentation to move up to the surface, where it can be removed during treatment.

Stage 5: Advocacy 

There is no better endorsement for your business than happy customers who want to spread the word and advocate for your business. Clients at this stage are using word of mouth to attract clients to the awareness stage, and are useful influencers of potential clients in the consideration and decision phases. Clients must be truly satisfied for positive word of mouth to take place. 

Referral Programmes

To take advantage of the advocacy stage, and benefit from your hard work getting clients here, you can set up a referral programme within your business to encourage existing clients to recommend new ones. Statistics suggest 9/10 people think referrals are more trustworthy than advertisements. You can reward existing clients for their loyalty, maintain the positive relationship and get new clients in the door. 

Transformation of the Year 2024 

Happy clients are also excellent case studies to enter into the SkinBase Transformation of the Year 2024 competition. All you need to get involved is a before and after image, taken before treatments began and after the completion of at least 3 sessions, and your client's permission. Post your images into the SkinBase Therapist Group on Facebook within the calendar month to compete in the monthly competition, and take your chance to go through the end of year final. When posting your images, include the business name, therapist name, client name (they can remain anonymous if you wish), treatments type and number of treatments and a client testimonial. You’ve got to be in it to win it - and up for grabs is a fantastic holiday to Barbados! 

Treating Skin Concerns: MD for Stretch Marks

Stretch marks form because of overactive hormones. These restrict the skin from producing collagen and elastin fibres. These fibres are responsible for keeping growing skin taut. SkinBase Microdermabrasion targets the problem area and stimulates elastin/collagen, so uneven texture and discolouration improves.

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