Menopause Support

Menopause Support

It is time to get talking about Menopause! Since menopause is associated with ageing, there has always been lots of shame and embarrassment surrounding the topic. Those dealing with menopause often do it silently, without asking for help. The stigma can negatively affect wellbeing just as menopausal symptoms do, making it even harder for those going through the transition. It is estimated that one third of the female population in the UK are currently perimenopausal or menopausal. As a skincare therapist, you are perfectly placed to educate, guide and help those suffering with the changes that occur. Together, we can empower - and remove the negativity surrounding menopause.

What is Menopause?

Menopause is a natural transition, and a normal part of ageing that marks the end of having menstrual cycles. Generally, most people will begin the transition between the ages of 45 and 55, though factors other than age can influence the process. During the time leading up to menopause, lots of uncomfortable physical symptoms may be experienced. These effects can wreak havoc on the body, particularly the skin.

Menopause Stages

There are three stages of menopause, and menstruating people usually take around 7 years to get to the third stage - postmenopause. For some people, it can take up to 14 years before reaching postmenopause. It is important to emphasise to clients that no matter which stage they find themselves in, menopause symptoms often can be managed by lifestyle changes, including adequate skincare, a healthy diet, and regular exercise.

(1) Perimenopause

Perimenopause generally lasts between 3 and 5 years, however, there is no one way to experience menopause, so the timing may differ. For some, this stage is the most difficult to deal with due to sudden hormone fluctuations and the occurrence of very regular or very irregular periods.

Perimenopause & The Skin

As oestrogen levels shift during this stage, the skin has more trouble retaining ceramides and locking in moisture. Therefore, it is common to experience dry skin, redness, sensitivity, breakouts, itching and flaking.

(2) Menopause

The menopause stage can be diagnosed when it has been 12 months since a menstrual period. Around 25% of collagen will have been lost from the skin at this point, and the dramatic decrease will influence the appearance of the skin.

Menopause & The Skin

12 months after their last period, clients may feel their skin is duller, thinner, less supple and crepey in texture. Due to the collagen loss, fine lines and wrinkles and sagging around the eyes, mouth, neck and cheeks may be prominent. The lack of oestrogen may also cause increased hair growth on the face.

(3) Postmenopause

The postmenopause stage indicates the end of reproductive years, and symptoms will begin to dissipate. Though collagen loss will continue, it occurs much more gradually, at around 2% a year.

Postmenopause & The Skin

By this point, skin concerns that occur due to the natural ageing process such as fine lines, deep wrinkles, pigmentation, uneven texture and thread veins may also be present on the skin, regardless of menopausal symptoms experienced.

Microdermabrasion & Menopause

Emphasise to clients how the combination of mature skin and decreased oestrogen means cell turnover decreases significantly. If it is taking twice as long to replenish skin cells, those dead skin cells are going to sit on the skin for longer. Therefore, when it comes to dull, dry, menopausal skin - exfoliation is key.

Microdermabrasion gently abrades away any dead cells, dirt and debris off of the surface to freshen and smooth the skin. Regardless of the stage of menopause clients are in, SkinBase Microdermabrasion can benefit the skin.

Microdermabrasion Benefits

Help your clients understand the benefits of incorporating microdermabrasion into their menopausal skincare routine.

  • Incredibly effective - A large number of dead skin cells can be removed from the skin during a SkinBase Microdermabrasion. This greater effectiveness allows an almost instant glow, which is great for those struggling with their new menopausal complexion.

  • Improves skin tone and texture - Those suffering with dry, rough, itchy skin during menopause, or signs of ageing such as fine lines and wrinkles, will be looking for a solution to get their healthy skin back.

  • Enhanced product absorption - As the skin becomes thinner and the skin barrier becomes more sensitive during menopause, applying hydrating and protective skincare is key. However, if products cannot get past dead skin on the surface, they cannot do their job. By exfoliating the top layer of skin, SkinBase Microdermabrasion allows products to absorb into the skin better, for a softer feel and look.

  • Encourages cell renewal and collagen production - when the skin reaches menopause age, lots of functions that help us to maintain youthful skin become sluggish and slow. The dual-action approach of microdermabrasion exfoliates the skin to encourage cell renewal, while the suction of the vacuum encourages collagen production.  

Collagen Lift & Menopause

Collagen is the scaffolding of the skin and it rapidly depletes during menopause. This means the skin will be less supple, won't bounce back as it once did and it may have a "crepey" texture. On top of all this, areas will begin to sag - causing droopy jowls and under eye bags. However, your clients do not have to let this happen - as you have the perfect treatment for them.

SkinBase Collagen Lift sculpts, tones, tightens, firms and lifts the skin to achieve a more youthful appearance. It is a soothing, relaxing treatment - perfect for clients to have a bit of "me time".

Collagen Lift Benefits

Help your clients understand the benefits of incorporating Collagen Lift into their menopausal skincare routine. Collagen Lift is a treatment they can count on throughout each stage of menopause, to ensure confidence stays high.

  • Incredibly effective - For some people, collagen fibres will respond instantly to treatment for an immediately visible tightening effect. For others, it will take more than 1 treatment for the skin to show visible results. All clients are different, and genetics plays a part. However the client's skin responds, after a course of treatments they will achieve fabulous results that last for up to two years.

  • Collagen Production - A wound-healing response is triggered within the body during a treatment. As there is no wound to heal, the flood of new collagen will work on menopause symptoms, such as wrinkles, sagging and textured skin. Therefore, the skin will appear plumper and smoother post-treatment.

  • Hyaluronic Acid - During the treatment, hyaluronic acid is stimulated, which is ideal for dehydrated, menopausal skin. As the skin has trouble retaining moisture, hyaluronic acid is the best ingredient to help. A naturally produced "moisture magnet", the skin will stay hydrated and plumped for longer between treatments.

  • Perfect for the Face and Body - As the skin reacts to hormone fluctuations during menopause, it is not only the face that feels the effects. Skin on the body can also be affected by any number of symptoms. The Collagen Lift treatment is idea for any area of the body, so clients can firm their jowls or their arms!

IPL & Menopause

Though oestrogen levels decline during menopause, levels of testosterone circulating the body remain the same. This shift in hormones can cause facial hair to grow.

SkinBase IPL is the best treatment to get rid of unwanted hair, as well as treating vascular concerns, acne, pigmentation and sun damage.

IPL Benefits

Help your clients understand the benefits of incorporating Intense Pulsed Light into their menopausal skincare routine.

  • Perfect for a range of skin concerns - There are a range of symptoms associated with menopause, but they are not likely to all be experienced by everyone. IPL is a versatile treatment, ideal for anyone. From those with acne symptoms to unwanted hair, IPL is the answer.

  • Non-Invasive - When it comes to menopausal skin, the last thing you need is invasive, painful procedures. SkinBase IPL is a comfortable treatment, with a special cryo-cooling handset and soothing aloe vera gel post-treatment.

  • Sun damage repair - Unfortunately, around the age that menopause begins, any previous sun damage will begin to show on the skin too. Those days without SPF will appear as pigmentation, sun spots and fine lines and wrinkles. IPL Advanced can heal and treat the skin to turn back the clock on ageing and give a youthful appearance.

  • Incredibly effective - IPL provides excellent results in as few as 3/4 treatments. Invest some "me time" into menopausal skin and get that glow back.

Menopause Marketing

When it comes to getting clients into your business to treat menopause symptoms, remember that any communication should be positive and empowering, focusing on confidence and strength. Those who are in any stage of menopause do not need to hide it or be ashamed. Help them get back their glow.

There are lots of fabulous before and afters with menopause-related testimonials available for use across your social media. The best way to get clients to understand how the treatment will rejuvenate their appearance (and their confidence!) is to hear it from other clients.

Menopause Blogs

Here are links to our previous blogs on the topic of menopause, feel free to copy the wording to use in your own marketing:

The Top SkinBase Treatments for Menopausal Clients 

Menopausal Skincare: Everything You Need To Know

Eat Healthy to Minimise Menopause Symptoms

Menopause Guide 

Here is the link to the SkinBase menopause guide:

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