Full business name of salon, address and postcode with contact name, email address and phone number and any website? | |
Name and address of the salon manager to whom the documentation should be sent (if different from above)? | |
Full name of the person who will be in charge of the IPL? | |
List of full names of all the operators? | |
Date of training on SkinBase IPL? | |
Details of any Core of Knowledge (COK) course completed by operators (name and month and year)? Is COK certificate held? | |
Is there a CO₂ or powder type fire extinguisher for use on electrical fires? | YES / NO CO₂ or Powder? |
When was the CO₂ fire extinguisher last checked and when is it next due to be checked? | |
What is the name of the room where the SkinBase IPL is to be located? (e.g. IPL Treatment Room? | |
What floor is the IPL Treatment Room on? | |
Whatventilation options are there in the treatment room? Central Air conditioner / Mobile Air conditioner / Exhaust fan unit / Opening Window / Table Fan? | |
List other doors within the treatment room apart from the ext door? (see "Required Pictures" below in relation to this) |