Marketing Ideas
Post your new IPL treatments on Facebook, ask people to like and share to be entered into a free prize draw.
Use your free launch day and plan effectively to get the most out of this.
Add prices to your website and Facebook. - Most sell in courses of 6-8 treatments with a discount of 10-20%
if booked as a course.
Use the SkinBase Knowledge Base to select soft copies of marketing that you can use on social media and your web
page. On this link there are vouchers and posters (even training manuals should you need to refer to).
Pick a treatment that sells well and link a free patch test onto every treatment. We have a manicure offer on the SkinBase Knowledge Base, which promotes a free patch test with every manicure. As a manicure is a popular treatment, you also get to chat to plenty of potential clients, and you also have the perfect time to run through the consultation while having the manicure which will cut down time. If you have weeks where you are not hitting your minimum £45.60 spend, it would be useful to slot these free patch test in on those weeks, therefore you will not lose out and may possibly get a refund if the customer books a treatment. Even if the customer does not intend to book, they are likely tell their friends/family about the experience which may prompt others to approach your salon.
Display (salon walls and Facebook) your own before and after pictures – which could include testimonials.
This way the clients can see what you can achieve.
Give a free treatment to clients taking IPL if they recommend a friend that books a course of treatments.
Leaflet drop – We have hair reduction invites that we can print for you to handout and/or post locally. These
can also be found in the SkinBase dropbox
Educate your customers -
Not everyone knows what IPL is, how it feels, what to expect from the treatment. (e,g the SkinBase
IPL is not painful, due to its cryo cooling handset. Some machines using gel packs can give clients a
flick sensation.)
What to look out for when considering a treatment, choosing a therapist and machine, can be
quite daunting. The SkinBase machine is medically certified and CE approved and all SkinBase
therapists have high quality accredited training. SkinBase IPL salons will also have an appointed
Laser Protection advisor and all the correct Health and Safety documents, protocols and room
certificate. Therefore SkinBase have all the requirements to provide a high standard of treatment
care and advice.
The link below will help you answer FAQ’s's/
Have a chat on the SkinBase Therapist Facebook page, ask other salons how they market the treatment.
YES/No Game –
Get all your therapists talking about IPL to help educate your clients and spread the word. Ask them to then
offer patch tests/consultations. At the end of the week/month the therapist with the most No’s will get a prize.
This will get your therapists used to asking and understanding that a ‘NO’ is not a failure. They have actually
let the clients know what you have to offer. A 'NO' is as good as a yes. The importance is that the therapists
are still informing and offering patch tests. Then change the game to see who can gain the most 'YES'
The most effective marketing seems to be shared videos of a treatments posted on Facebook. Ask people to
share the video, to be entered into a prize draw for a free treatment. This then spreads the word and
eliminates a lot of the customers anxieties. Delivering the message in the way you would like customers to
interpret. People feel comfortable knowing what to expect and that they have seen the procedure and
therapist/surroundings. (Include in your video, what to expect, how it feels, pre and post aftercare). You could choose to use our adverts for this if you are unable to do your own:
Jump on the dropbox for seasonal offers – do not let these pass you by, people are looking to spend on
these occasions.
Making use of your minimum charge. You are paying £45.60 per week - If you have no IPL bookings you
could provide 5 free patch tests, which would almost equate to your weekly minimum charge. These could
potentially turn into, follow up treatments, and a refund on your patch test. Even if you do not get the client
back, it will give 5 people the experience to share with friends.
When you are ready and have completed at least 2 clients, through to the end of their treatment course,
consider booking your free advanced training. This will open up a number of other treatments that will widen
your target audience. Also these treatments are even more profitable for your salon.
Please do not hesitate to call the office to discuss the above or alternatives.