Information for IPL - Contraindications, Medications & Treatment Waiting Times

Information for IPL - Contraindications, Medications & Treatment Waiting Times

IPL Contraindications, Medications & Treatment Waiting Times

Over 18s only
Hair reduction – Fitzpatrick scale 1-5 only
Advanced treatments - Fitzpatrick scale 1-3, moving to 4 if experienced only

Below are  recommendations. If you want to move outside of these recommendations please
ensure you seek insurance cover, written medical consent and have referred to the equalities act 2010
for those with ‘protected status’ requiring special consideration.

Kidney/Liver Disease
Compromised healing, risk of pigmentation
Do Not Proceed
Heart Conditions (Pacemaker)
Electromagnetic energy can interact
Do Not Proceed
Cancer (Radiation/Chemotherapy)
Weakened Immune System
Do Not Proceed - Need to be 6 months in remission
Light/flash of the machine can trigger epilepsy
Do Not Proceed - If affected by something else, check insurance cover, ensure fits are under control and gain written medical, consent before proceeding
Compromised healing and heightened sensitivity
Do Not Proceed
Hepatitis / HIV or Aids
Compromised immune system and healing
Do Not Proceed - Gain written medical consent before treating, wear full PPE
Allergy to light
Do Not Proceed
Pregnancy (Breastfeeding)
Can cause pigmentation due to imbalance of hormones
Wait at least 3 months once breastfeeding has discontinued to allow the hormones to settle
History of Keloid Scarring
There is a risk of more scarring
Do Not Treat
Autoimmune diseases such as; Lupus, Multiple Sclerosis, Vitiligo, Psoriasis
Immune system is compromised - can cause koebnerization of the condition, making it worse
Do No Treat - Seek medical advise
Neoplastic processes, arteriosclerosis obliterans, thrombophlebitis, Varicose veins
At risk of making the condition worse, causing complications
Do Not Treat - Seek medical advice
Metal pins, plates or implants
Concentration of energy around the metal
Do Not Treat the Area
Active skin infection/ disease such as cold sores, impetigo, scabies
Risk of aggravating the skin condition further and causing cross contamination
Avoid treating the area in which the disease/infection is present in and wait for it
Inflammation or infection/ Abnormal swelling / oedema
Treating it can spread or make the inflammation or infection worse
Do Not Treat
Herpes (Shingles/Cold sores)
Shingles can affect the nervous system. Cold sores can be flared up
Do Not Treat and wait for the viral infection to clear
Moles, hyperpigmentation, hypopigmentation and birthmarks
Risk of causing cell changes/ pigmentation and conflicting chromophore is present
Avoid the area, cover with white pencil
High/ Low blood pressure
Can become light headed
Allow more time post treatment to get off the couch
Thyroid Condition
Hormonal imbalance which can affect hair growth. It can also be linked to autoimmune diseases
If caused by autoimmune seek medical written consent. Otherwise manage expectations of results
Polycystic or ovarian syndrome
Hormonal imbalance which can affect hair growth
Manage expectations of results
Hormonal Imbalances
Affects hair growth
Manage expectations of results
HRT or Contraceptive Pill
Affects hormones which can impact on hair growth
Manage expectations of results
Fertility Drugs
Affects hormones which can impact on hair growth
Manage expectations of results
A male hair growth pattern within females, can be hereditary or due to hormones
Manage expectations of results
Psoriasis or eczema
A skin condition - IPL can irritate it further
Avoid the affected area
Tattoos/ Permanent Make Up
Pigment is implanted within the skin - the machine will target the melanin within the tattoo pigment
Avoid the affected area

General Information

Do you take any form of exercise?
Could cause skin reaction due to excessive sweating and heating
No strenuous exercise before or after treatment
Do you smoke?
Asphxiates the skin - Reduces oxygen
Manage expectation
Do you drink alcohol?
Causes vascular skin issues such as broken capllaries, redness and dehydration
Manage expectation

Other Treatments

Wait 2 weeks prior to treatment
Wait 2 weeks prior to treatment
Skin Needling
Wait one month prior to treatment
Chemical Peels
<20% wait 2 weeks prior to treatment. >20% wait 4 weeks prior to treatment
Micro Current
Wait 4 weeks prior to treatment
Radio Frequency
Wait 4 weeks prior to treatment
Wait 4 weeks prior to treatment
Semi Permanent makeup / tattoos
Wait until fully healed and avoid the area
Wait 1 month prior to treatment
Wait 6 months prior to treatment
PDO Threads
Wait 6 months prior to treatment

Medication / Recreational Drugs
Anything which can affect;
- the skin's sensitivity
- the skin's healing ability
- thins the skin
- Photosensitive medication
Do not treat, discontinue medications where appropriate and gain medical and insurance consent where required
Roaccutane, isotretinoins or retin A
All the medication thins the skin
6 months of discontinued use before treating. Only need 6 months for first 2
Steroid therapy
Thins the skin and affects skin sensitivity
Topically applied: 1 month of discontinued use. Orally/injected: 6 months of discontinued use
Anti-histamines, antibiotics, cold remedies or pain killers
Anti histamines - reduction of histamine response
Ibuprofen - risk of bruising 
Antibiotics - skin sensitivity
Patch test and proceed with caution

Antibiotics; Wait 72 hours before treating. Wait 2 weeks post antibiotics before treating

St John's wort
Photo sensitising
3 months of discontinued use before treating
Homeopathic, chinese or herbal remedies
Can be photosensitising, increasing the risk of burns/ adverse reactions
Discontinue use for 6 weeks.
Anti-coagulants, warfarin/heparin or gold therapy
Can cause adverse reactions and skin sensitivity
Do not treat for 3 months
Covid, vaccines and boosters
Greater risk of adverse reactions
Wait 2 weeks and re patch test before treating

Checking Out Medication / Drugs

Clients with a recent history of cancer, particularly malign or recurrent tumours, benign skin cancer or tumoral lesions; illnesses prone to stimulation by spectral light of 570nm to 1200nm; use of photosensitive medications, other products that could cause sensitivity to exposure to light of 570nm to 1200nm; use of immunosuppressant drugs. We advise they consult a doctor before undergoing treatment with intense pulsed light. 

It is prohibited to use SkinBase IPL in the following situations:
  1. In the immediate eye area
  2. Patients with heart disease
  3. Pregnancy or breastfeeding
  4. Infections affecting the treatment area
  5. Neoplastic processes, ulcers or bed sores, abrasions, wounds, arteriosclerosis obliterans, phlebitis, thrombophlebitis, varicose veins, suspected naevi
  6. Metal prostheses or osteosyntheses (except with medical prescription)
  7. Cerebral palsy (except with medical prescription)
  8. Avoid use on patients connected to vital signs monitoring equipment
  9. Moles or sensitive parts of the skin

Equalities Act 2010

Be aware that under the equality act 2010 the following conditions and characteristics have 'protected status' and that special consideration have to be made before refusing to treat:

  1. Pregnancy
  2. Cancer
  3. HIV Infection
  4. Multiple Sclerosis
  5. Severe disfigurement
  6. Blind or partially sighted
  7. Any persons aged 65 and over
Please consult your Treatment Protocols Document for the reasonable adjustments that can be made. 

The British Medical Laser Association

Drugs & Lasers/IPL

Following guidance given by the British Medical Laser Association in 2009, we have provided a comprehensive list of medications which can potentially cause photosensitivity. The information reflects the best data available at the time of being written.

Some medications may also cause skin sensitivity and affect the healing ability following laser without causing photosensitivity. It is important to ask the client what drugs they are taking which are: 
  1. Over the counter
  2. Prescribed
  3. Herbal remedies

Checking medication/drugs

Your client should check with their medical practitioner to assess any prescribed medication, for other drugs/medication you can visit the following medical website:
or download the free BNF app

You must check any medication, drugs or herbal remedies before proceeding with any treatments.

Photosensitising drugs that are CONTRAINDICATIONS to laser therapy
  1. Drugs causing marked whole body sensitivity - wait 6 months, drugs administered for systemic Photodynamic Therapy (PDT), e.g. Photofrin, Foscan.
  2. Drugs causing marked localised light sensitivity - wait 6 weeks
  3. Drugs administered for localised PDT, e.g. ALA, Metvix - wait 6 weeks

Any treatment should be performed with caution. Test carefully and treat small areas initially. If in doubt, do not treat. If the client/patient wishes to proceed with the treatment, the increased risk of hyperpigmentation/photosensitivity should be emphasised and documented.

  1. Amiodarone - risk of hyperpigmentation and photosensitivity
  2. Minocycline (Minocin) - risk of hyperpigmentation. Recommend stopping 4 weeks prior to treatment or consider a change to alternative
  3. If taking other medications or herbal remedies of any sort then careful initial patch test, wait 4-7 days in the case of hair removal and 4-6 weeks in the case of vascular/pigmented treatments
  4. If client starts a named photosensitizer then repeat patch test

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