Thyroid Problems (which are not autoimmune related) - unless the client is taking steroids. All other tablets for Thyroid are okay unless the client is experiencing side effects from medication.
Fibromyalgia - muscle stiffness and joint pain - DO NOT PROCEED IF TAKING STEROID MEDICATION

Erythromycin - (Acne treatment – This is a Macrolide Antibiotic)
Kidney Disease - Proceed with caution as this can turn into Auto Immune
Warfarin & Allopurinol - blood thinners - may cause bruising
Clopidogrel - blood thinners - may cause bruising
Asasantin Retard Capsules - blood thinners - may cause bruising
Erythromycin - acne treatment – this is a macrolide antibiotic
Sebaceous Hyperplasia – Papules (lumps) on the face – Avoid benign lumps.
SPMU/Microblading - AVOID AREA
Topical Acne Creams (other than the ones listed) - Suggest a 5 day window around each treatment, just to be safe. BUT if they are an antibiotic cream or have an exfoliant in them, then no – stick with the course prescribed.
Antibiotics for acne – If client is taking antibiotics, we would recommend not to window for an MD treatment as it can cause antibiotic resistance when stopping and starting them.
Differin - Acne Gel - Wait at least 6 weeks after discontinuing. If having an MD treatment first then wants to use the gel, wait 72 hours.
Adapalene - topical acne treatment - This can be in a lot of acne creams. Adapalene has Retinoid in so you need to wait at least 6 weeks after discontinuing.
Tamoxifen – Medication that prevents breast cancer FINE TO PROCEED WITH MD AS LONG AS CLIENT HAS BEEN IN REMISSION FOR 6 MONTHS.
Extra Info
Acne Vulgaris – as this is very active, the client needs to avoid MD until the flare-up has been addressed. If there is only a small area of the face affected by this, you can treat the rest of the face and just avoid the flare-up. Clients suffering with acne can often enjoy the best results from MD, as it can remove acne scarring 100% in around 6 treatments. 15-20 treatments may be required for severe scarring, but if the scarring is TOO severe/deep, they may not be fully removed.
Minimum Age - The minimum age we would recommend for MD treatment is 13 years old for treatment of teenage skin concerns. You will need to check with your insurance, gain a parent or guardian signature on the consultation form, and always have a parent or guardian present for the treatment.
Pigmentation - If the pigmentation is just topical(like sun damage or hormonal), it can come right off, but if it is too deep, MD will not work but could still reduce the appearance.
Stretch Marks– in order for them to be treated successfully, they need to still be pink and at least 6 months old. MD can make them look worse before they get better. For stretch marks that are very old/silver, MD will not work. Micro needling is the best treatment for these.
Broken Capillaries/Red Veins– avoid the area completely. The skin may be red, flushed and thin so an alternative treatment is best for the affected area (maybe acid peels).
Tattoo's - Tattoo pigment is sat much deeper in the skin than microdermabrasion would affect. The most important thing is to use a very good SPF as tattoo's can fade in the sun.
Under 16's - Parental/guardian consent is required, also check with your insurance. Ensure parent/guardian signs the consultation form and is present for the duration of the treatment. Perform the treatment on a low level. DO NOT TREAT ANYONE UNDER THE AGE OF 12.
Male Clients - Men should close shave the night before for an AM appointment, or in the morning if the treatment is PM.
Asian/Black Skin - NEVER use higher than level 2 on the face - Risk of post inflammatory pigmentation
Pregnant Therapist - A pregnant therapist can perform the treatment but cant receive a treatment until 6-8 weeks after birth. This is due to hormonal changes and the increased risk of pigmentation.
Giving Blood - 4 months is the waiting period before having an MD treatment
Chemical Peels - If 20% strength or less, clients need to allow 1 week before having MD. If the percentage is stronger, they need to allow 4 weeks.
Cheek Implants - waiting period of 6 months before MD
Micro Current - Wait 1 week before performing MD
Dermaplaning - Wait 1 week before performing MD
Microblading - Wait until completely healed
RF can be done straight after MD if client can tolerate, if not then wait 2-3 days after MD & RF can be performed. This can be alternated.
HIFU Treatment - Wait 1 week after treatment before having MD.
Light Therapy - Ok to proceed with Light Therapy straight after MD/ Hydro
Elemis -Tri-Enzyme' Wash - Helps with pigmentation - Wait for 72 hours as it is a resurfacing treatment
Tretinoin - Wait for 6 months of discontinued use
Agera - Helps with pigmentation - Wait 72 hours before and after an MD treatment to use
Metal Plates - Fine to proceed, okay to work over
Agera - Helps with pigmentation - A skincare range great for pigmentation
*Pre*-Treatment Advice
We recommend that clients adhere to the following advice prior to commencing treatment:
Botox/Dermal Fillers/Skin Boosters 'Profhilo'- Allow 2 weeks before performing microdermabrasion, including any touch up injections, to allow Botox/fillers to settle. 48 hours is the waiting period after MD before having Botox.
Men - should close shave the night before a treatment if the treatment is in the morning, or in the morning if the treatment is in the afternoon.
Laser Treatments - A course of laser treatments cannot run concurrently with a course of SkinBase microdermabrasion treatments. Please allow at least 2 weeks before commencing microdermabrasion after completing a course of Laser.
Skin Needling - Do not use for 4 weeks prior to microdermabrasion treatment.
Electrolysis - Hair Removal, wait 4 weeks before having MD
Cheek Implants - Wait 6 months before having MD
Chemical Peels - If 20% strength, clients need to allow 1 week before having MD. If the percentage is stronger than 20%, they need to allow waiting period of 4 weeks.
Microcurrent - Wait 1 week after MD before having microcurrent. If wanting microcurrent first, wait until the skin is completely cooled down and all redness has gone (know your clients tolerance).
SPMU/Microblading - Wait 4 weeks before having MD (including top ups) or until completely healed, whichever is longest. Wait at least 48 hours after MD for Microblading.
Derma Rollers - If a lighter treatment wait 2 weeks before having MD, deep treatments will require a 4 week waiting period.
Waxing - Allow 24 hours before waxing after an MD treatment. After waxing, you will need to wait 24-36 hours (base this on how your client reacts /sensitivity to waxing)
Laser/IPL - allow 2 weeks before having MD treatment, a 1 week waiting period is required after MD before IPL can be performed on the area.
Lip Bleeching/Lightening Creams - Wait 72 hours before having an MD treatment.
Aftercare Advice
For 12 Hours after treatment:
No heavy Makeup.
For 24 Hours after treatment:
No swimming, no facial waxing.
For 48 Hours after treatment:
No sauna, sun beds or sun exposure. No ‘Botox’, collagen injections or dermal fillers.
For 72 Hours after treatment:
Do not use anti-ageing creams, AHA’s, Glycolics or Retinol.
Do not use exfoliating products, the newly abraded skin is receptive to any products applied, so the use of any exfoliants after treatment can irritate the skin.
At all times during a course of treatment:
SPF 15 minimum must be applied and exposure to U.V. should be avoided. Regular moisturiser applications are vital to replenish moisture and prevent the skin from becoming dry and peeling.
Products must be between pH 4.5 and 7
Skin care products that contain a high percentage of botanicals and essential oils are UNSUITABLE for use after microdermabrasion treatment as some of the ingredients contained may cause an allergic reaction. Should this occur, there is a real danger of both the therapist and client thinking that it is the treatment they are allergic to, where it is actually the ingredients within the skin care preparations. It is important that products are used that replace or add moisture back to the skin to stop the skin becoming dry or peeling.