Hydro ‘Tips’ and FAQs

Hydro ‘Tips’ and FAQs


Will there be a minimum charge for offering Hydro? 

No, your weekly minimum charge will remain the same. Hydro is an additional handset not an additional machine so if you do not use the machine at all during the billing week you will be charged just 1 x £12.24. Treatment fees will also be £12.24 the same as for microdermabrasion . 

Free Promotional week

To help familiarise yourself with the handset, complete your online training and launch the treatment you will be able to choose a free promotional week. You will receive an email from us about this before we dispatch your kit. You will have 3 months from the date you receive your Hydro kit to take your promotional week, this should run with the billing cycle and start at 4pm Monday and run to the following Monday 4pm.

Can I get the treatment I filmed for training credited?

No, as we are providing a free promotional week, we will not be providing any further credits for treatments completed outside of the promotional week. 

Sending in Hydro Training Videos

Treatment videos can be quite big files. We recommend filming your treatment as 4 separate clips (Cleanse, peel, serum, skincare)  so that these are easier to upload and send. If your files are small enough they can be sent via WhatsApp to 01782 770810. For bigger files we recommend using Wetransfer to upload your video/s. Alternatively, you can send a link for us to view if you have google drive/Outlook or similar. 

I've completed my Hydro test and video when will I get my certificate?
Once we have received your completed test and treatment video, your video needs to be watched by one of our qualified trainers, please allow 7-10 days after sending this in for it to be processed. We are currently receiving a high volume of training videos and test papers, please bear with us as we process these and issue training certificates.

Who can do the Hydro training?
Our Hydro training is accredited for online with ABT, the only prerequisite is that you have already completed your microdermabrasion training with us. 

How much are the products?

Peel £12 inc. vat

Serums £16 inc. vat

You should get 4 treatments from the peel and from the serums. 

What price do you recommend charging?

Cost of serums is approximately £7 + your £12.24 treatment fee so please consider this when pricing your treatment. We recommend a RRP £55-90 but of course this will depend on your other costs and any add-ons you choose to offer and length of treatment. 

I own my own machine how much will Hydro cost?
We will be providing the Hydro handset starter kit for £60 the same as for PAYG customers. 

Are the products Vegan?
Yes all SkinBase products are vegan, the lactic acid used is from a carbohydrate source fermented together with nutrients from a selected bacteria strain. 

Can I not just apply the peel/serums with a brush?

Using a machine for applying the products offers several advantages over manual application with a brush. The machine's vacuum action helps lift each area of skin, ensuring even distribution of the product and helping to infuse the active ingredients into the skin. Additionally, the vacuum action promotes blood flow and aids lymphatic drainage, enhancing the overall effectiveness of the treatment. Using your machine will maximise the benefits and effectiveness of the products. 

How often can treatments be performed?

Every 2-4 weeks depending on the client and skin concerns. 

Do we need to do a patch test?

Check for allergies as per the consultation, if client is particularly sensitive and you want to patch test then you can. Dab a small amount of the solution to the inside of the arm, leave for 10 minutes and then rinse off with cool water. If the area becomes irritable or swollen do not proceed with treatment.

Combining with CL

Assess suitability in the same way that you would for a CL Ultimate treatment, this isn’t going to be suitable for every client make sure you know their skin. You can incorporate the peel stage before CL and the serum stage after. If you are on PAYG this will incur two charges, therefore your costings for the treatment would need to account for this.  


Peel + CL + Serum

MD + CL + Serum 

Can I combine MD and Hydro?

Yes and No. You can MD (base exfoliation) and follow with the serum but as MD and peels are both exfoliating it could overstimulate the skin to use both of these in one treatment. So…

MD + Serum = Okay

Peel + Serum = Okay (Hydro treatment) 

MD + Peel + Serum = No - Too much exfoliation 

How long do you have to wait between md and hydro  

Again 2-4 weeks depending on your client’s skin. 

Do we switch the machine on twice?

No, you can change to your serum bottle with the machine running and complete the peel/serum steps within the 20 minute machine time.

Do we use a bottle for each client?

Each bottle peel/serum should do approximately 4 treatments so no, you shouldn’t use all the bottle of solution. Also remember, variables can affect how much product you are using; size of face/skin area, time taken, the length of stroke, the technique. Some clients will use more, some will use less. Please look at the tips for technique if you are using too much.

Minimum age for acne (clarifying serum) treatment

We would say minimum 14 but go by the minimum age set by your insurer for treatments as this may be different. Parents/Guardians (over 18) must sign the consultation card for children under 16 years of age.

What % is the peel solution used?

The peel solution used is approximately 5%, clients are unlikely to experience any visible skin peeling.

Hydro 'Tips' and Troubleshooting

Changing handset kit

Please practice switching between your handsets and make sure you have the correct handset kit attached ahead of treatment. 

Loss of suction

If you start treatment and there is no suction, please check all the tubes and the snap on connector are fitted correctly. Push the tubes into their fittings/handset/jar, similar to MD it will be air escaping causing the loss of suction. The most likely cause will be the snap on connector that you push on as this is being removed and fitted. You can leave the machine running while you do this. If you are still having issues please call us. 

Level should be set at 0.2 (looking at the red writing on the dial) this is not level 2

If you look on your vacuum dial 0.2 is below a level 1 treatment. The liquid makes the suction feel stronger so please be aware of this, you may need to turn the suction down to 0.1 or somewhere between on older clients or on the neck area. 

Flow of liquid 

If you feel the liquid isn’t flowing well, use less pressure with the handset. It is counterintuitive -pressing harder will block the flow more. 

Lot of liquid left on the skin/too runny

Try not to compare it to MD, the liquid behaves very differently. Use longer strokes than you would with MD to control the flow if it is too runny, make sure you have good contact with the skin and maintain contact with the skin across the stroke (not feathery strokes). Catch any small drips with a thumb or finger and smooth in to the skin.

Serum left on the skin.

As mentioned above, adjusting your stroke length should help with this. You can leave the serum for a minute or two to soak in after treatment and gently pat in any excess serum before applying your moisturiser and spf. The serum is full of amazing ingredients so give these a chance to soak in!

How long do use the peel and serum for?

Time should be split fairly evenly between the two with a couple of minutes while the peel is on to change to your serum bottle and remove the peel solution using damp sponges/ cotton wool pads. 

How long should the peel be on the skin?

The peel should be on the skin for a maximum of 10 minutes. Following the protocol you should be removing the peel at about 10 minutes into treatment.

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