Father's Day Marketing

Father's Day Marketing

Target Men Properly This Father's Day
The skincare market is increasingly moving away from the idea of gendered treatments, allowing men to feel more comfortable in salon spaces. The idea that only women are interested in skincare is outdated, and you could be missing out on a major portion of the market. This is particularly true as Father’s Day approaches. Sunday 16th June is the day to celebrate dads this year, which means now is the perfect time to master your marketing techniques for men. Your Father’s Day marketing efforts can be divided into partners buying gifts on behalf of children, and dads picking out their own Father's Day gifts. The male skincare audience is increasingly important as brands experience a boom in male skincare consumers. 

Male Skincare Boom 
Recently, skincare brands are reporting much greater interest in male skincare products and services than previously. This boom is due to changes in society over the last several years.

Covid Impact
The pandemic and subsequent lockdowns were contributing factors to this change. During the turbulent time for public health, there was more focus on self-care than pre-pandemic. More and more men realised the importance of skincare during that period and understood how it contributed to their overall health. They also had much greater free time to invest in skincare. Now, they continue looking after their skin and their health.

Social Media
During the pandemic and beyond, there has also been a significant increase in social media usage as people stay connected. The effortless ability to engage with others online has affected modern men. They are aware of the ease of sharing their appearance with the world, so they invest more time and energy in looking good. While they share their image, they also have access to many others, leading to the “Love Island effect”. More men prioritise their appearance than ever due to the increased visibility of highly groomed influencers and the desire to be like them. Therefore, men are much more open to professional treatments and skincare products.

Social Media Giveaway
As people are spending more time on social media, social media marketing is a great way promote your Father's Day gifts and potential treatments. Go dad focused for June, and share male skincare tips, including grooming, anti-ageing and skin rejuvenation. 

To boost your reach and get in front of more potential clients, you could also run a Father's Day competition or giveaway on social media. This could be done alone, or as a partnership with another local business. Perhaps, one that has a greater male audience for you to tap into. You could ask people to nominate their dads, or a father-figure who deserves to win. The prize could focus on retail products, treatment vouchers, or a combination of both! 

It is important to understand that male consumers do not respond well to skincare as a long term commitment, unlike women. When marketing products or services, be sure to highlight the immediate effects and short term tangible benefits. Men have a different mentality toward skincare, and they do not care how the product will make them feel. They want to know the purpose, utility, and value, and they want this information directly. Aim to address specific concerns in a straightforward way. Men respond better to clear messaging, so make the decision making process as easy as possible. 

For example, Microdermabrasion is great for treating acne, Collagen Lift is ideal for skin laxity, and IPL is great for hair removal. All of which are universal problems. Emphasise the problem area and the treatment as a solution, and don’t forget to offer proof. 

Offering Proof
The best way to ease the purchasing process for men is by proving they will benefit immediately from your offerings. For SkinBase treatments, show before and after comparisons. Choose before and after pictures that show clients from the same angle, with neutral expressions in good lighting. Results will be clear, which will encourage purchasing.

Gift Bundles
For the last minute shoppers out there, don't forget to have retail products ready to go as Father's Day approaches. Ensure you make it clear what problems the product solves, e.g. hand cream for dry hands and anti-ageing serums for any fine lines or wrinkles. That way, impulse purchases are more likely. 

Male Skincare Blogs
Here are a few links to some of our previous blogs around the topic of Father's Day and Male Skincare, feel free to copy and edit these to use in your own marketing messages.

Father's Day Blog 

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