New Year Marketing Support December 24/January 25

New Year Marketing Support December 24/January 25

Clients in the new year will likely have a renewed perspective, and a strong desire to become their best self yet. You can, of course, use this opportunity to tackle client’s skin concerns by offering your SkinBase treatments.

However, the new year is also a great time for you to gain a new perspective on your business, and consider how you can add value, retain current clients, and attract some new ones!

Health goals are often set in January, as the temporal landmark of the new year provides us with the “fresh start” effect. It is much easier to adopt new habits and make life changes at natural transition points in life, and there is no better natural transition than the beginning of a new year.

Non-Invasive Skin Rejuvenation

Skincare ‘tweakments’ using non-invasive methods, such as the range of SkinBase treatments, are incredibly popular. This is due to the effective, confidence-boosting results they achieve, with no down time necessary. Therefore, delivering results that meet client expectations is key to successfully providing non-surgical treatments.

When promoting your SkinBase treatments, you can add value by taking a holistic approach, and educating clients to think holistically too. This way, they can develop realistic expectations and provide themselves with the best opportunity to achieve results.

Chronological vs Biological Age

Often, clients invest in non-surgical treatments to ‘turn back the clock’ on their skin. It is therefore important to note that the skin has two ages: a chronological age, and a biological age. The skin’s chronological age is representative of an individual's actual age. Biological age, on the other hand, describes how the skin appears, functions and behaves. These two ages are not always aligned. Biological age is influenced by accumulated damage from a variety of sources.

So, in order to treat client skin concerns in the new year, and help them to achieve their skin goals, you must ensure they understand the importance of factors that contribute to the age and health of their skin.

Mature clients can take action to reverse the damage and minimise future problems, while younger clients can focus on prevention, to keep the biological age aligned with their chronological age, and avoid premature signs of ageing on their skin.

New Years Resolutions

Ultimately, your clients are coming to you to improve their skin. In January, clients are in the right mindset for healthy habits. They have probably set some new year resolutions. You can link these to the lifestyle factors that have a damaging effect on the skin and negatively impact treatment results. So, taking an overall approach to your clients skin journey helps you to add value. Your clients can develop healthy habits regarding nutrition, exercise, skincare etc., that will contribute to the results they can achieve and their overall health.


Longevity is the science and practice of optimising healthspan and lifespan. Increasing lifespans and healthspans are not only allowing individuals to live for longer, but are also increasing quality of life during this time, allowing many to live healthy, disease free lives for longer too. Longevity research has highlighted several ‘longevity pillars’ in our everyday environment that contribute to this increased lifespan and healthspan.

Skincare is an incredibly important aspect of longevity. Studies also suggest the health of your skin can be used to predict your risk of developing diseases unrelated to the skin. Individuals with prematurely aged or damaged skin are much more likely to suffer from cardiovascular, neurodegenerative and bone diseases.

Longevity Pillars

The pillars are areas in which biological age can be influenced, to feel and appear youthful for longer.

  1. Nutrition
  2. Exercise
  3. Sleep
  4. Minimised Stress
  5. Social Connection
  6. Positive Mindset

(1) Nutrition

After the indulgence of Christmas, many individuals prioritise nutrition in the New Year. This is an excellent decision when trying to improve skin and overall health.

When your clients are setting goals in the New Year, there are a number of factors that can influence their success:

1. Resolutions should be specific
They should define exactly what it means to them to eat healthier. Tell clients to consider: what do they currently eat? What do they need to cut down on? What do they need to add to their diet?

2. Resolutions should be framed positively
Individuals will find more success with a resolution to “eat more greens with my evening meal” than if they tell themselves to “eat less junk food in my evening meals”. This is due to the positive framing of the first resolution. One conjures up the image of the behaviour you do want, and reinforces this behaviour. The second resolution is a reminder of what you don’t want to do - which can be detrimental.

How Does Nutrition Affect Overall Skin Health?

The skin is the body’s largest organ, and diet significantly contributes to how it looks and feels. The food you consume everyday makes up the building blocks of your skin. A healthy, balanced diet ensures that the skin receives the ingredients needed to remain soft, smooth and plumped. A lack of nutritious ingredients can cause inflammation, with symptoms such as redness, puffiness and breakouts appearing on the skin.

The key takeaway: nourishing your body with healthy food can promote better skin health.

Longevity & Nutrition

A few small changes are all that is necessary for your clients to begin eating for longevity. Minimising processed foods and eating more whole foods (fruits, vegetables, whole grains, nuts, legumes etc.) will enhance the health of the skin and reduce the risk of disease. This is because these foods are natural sources of antioxidants, vitamins, minerals and fibre, each of which contributes to overall health.

How Does Nutrition Affect Treatment Results?

What your clients eat can significantly affect the success of their non-surgical treatments. An unbalanced diet can contribute to premature skin ageing, and have negative effects within the body.

Sugary foods, and those with a high glycemic index, such as cereals, white bread, cookies, crisps etc., can have a variety of negative effects on the skin. Foods with a high glycemic index can rapidly raise blood sugar and insulin levels. This can trigger the production of excess sebum within the skin, which can contribute to acne breakouts.

Clients having courses of SkinBase Microdermabrasion, Hydro or Intense Pulsed Light for acne, for example, should be mindful of their diet, and try to minimise inflammation as much as possible.

Sugary foods can also trigger a process called glycation within the skin. This occurs when sugar molecules attach themselves to proteins within the skin - e.g. collagen and elastin fibres. The molecules attaching form ‘advanced glycation end products’. The damage done to glycated collagen fibres is irreversible, and causes the fibres to lose their ability to regenerate.

Staying properly hydrated ensures the body is able to keep all functions running smoothly. Skin repair, blood circulation and toxin removal each relies on optimum hydration and ensures the skin appears healthy. So, hydration is key to maximising results achieved via your SkinBase treatments.

Hydration is particularly important for your clients having Collagen Lift. Clients should be drinking plenty of water pre-treatment to ensure they are hydrated. Hydrated tissues conduct radio-frequency better, therefore, allowing clients to better withstand the heat as the energy penetrates deep into the skin. Post-treatment hydration is also important to maximising results as hydration assists in the lymphatic drainage process, allowing toxins to be removed from the body.

Processed Foods
Processed foods are often high in sugar, salts, fats and preservatives. They contribute to oxidative stress and greater inflammation within the body. The inflammation can manifest on the skin in a range of ways, e.g. as acne, eczema or rosacea. An ultra-processed diet can also result in a dull, lacklustre appearance. Processed foods do not contain the nutrients necessary to support skin health and achieve a healthy glow.

Oxidative stress and inflammation can also cause ‘telomere atrophy’. Eating processed foods can shorten the length of DNA telomeres, making the skin more vulnerable to ageing. Shortened telomeres may affect the healing process of the skin. Non-surgical treatments, such as Collagen Lift, use the body’s own natural healing processes to achieve visible results.

Each of these factors caused by ultra-processed foods would be detrimental to clients having a course of any SkinBase treatment. Therefore, clients should try to achieve a good balance of nutrients to maximise their results.

Recent research has evidenced there is more to nutrition and diet than meets the eye. Microbes within the body (and on the skin!) require their own unique diet to provide vital functions and ensure our bodies are balanced and thriving.

(2) Exercise

Studies show exercise goals are the most common resolutions set in January. The new year’s gym spike is evidence that individuals recognise the need to move more to live a healthy lifestyle. Exercise is key to longevity and contributes to a healthy complexion.

How Does Exercise Contribute to Skin Health

As well as contributing to overall health, exercise has a variety of benefits for the skin too. Anything that promotes a healthy circulation also helps to keep your skin healthy and vibrant and 30 minutes of exercise a day is all that is necessary to significantly improve overall circulation.

Benefit 1: Improves Oxygen to Skin
Exercise gets the blood pumping, and this blood flow carries oxygen and nutrients around the body to skin cells. Oxygen and nutrients are essential for healthy cells and also contribute to the production of elastin and collagen. Increased blood flow also carries waste products, toxins, and free radicals away from skin cells, preventing problematic conditions such as acne and dryness. As an added benefit, healthy cells contribute to a more even skin tone. Proper circulation keeps the skin nourished, for a glowing appearance.

Benefit 2: Reduces Stress Levels
Engaging in exercise you enjoy can reduce stress levels, indirectly contributing to better skin. Stress can trigger a variety of skin conditions. Exercise combats this by increasing the production of endorphins, which increase the feelings of wellbeing within the brain. Therefore, regular exercise contributes to an improved mood and better wellbeing. An improved mood minimises stress symptoms, resulting in fewer stress symptoms manifesting on the skin.

Benefit 3: Boosts Collagen Production
Research suggests collagen production can be positively affected by exercise. As discussed, exercise increases blood flow, contributing to the movement of nutrients and oxygen around the body. The nutrients are incredibly beneficial for fibroblast cells within the skin, and these are the cells that produce collagen.

Also discussed above are the beneficial effects that exercise has on stress levels. Reducing stress can also boost collagen production, and less stress allows collagen, elastin and hyaluronic acid production to operate more efficiently. Minimising stress levels also prevents existing collagen fibres breaking down due to stress-related causes.

Finally, some exercise activities, such as weight training, release a growth hormone from the pituitary gland, which stimulates fibroblast cells, contributing to collagen production.

Benefit 4: Promotes Cell Growth
High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) has been proven to have an anti-ageing effect on the skin by increasing telomerase activity. Research suggests telomerase plays a significant role in maintenance of skin function. This is because telomerase is an enzyme that helps to keep cells alive, protecting DNA for better cell growth and replication. Therefore, regular endurance exercise will keep the skin healthier for longer.

Post Workout Glow
So, exercise has a variety of benefits for the skin, and the post-exercise glow is real! However, in order to benefit from their workout, clients should remember a few things.

Skip the makeup - sweating with makeup on is a disaster for the pores, and can cause/aggravate skin conditions such as acne. Clients should wash their face pre-workout and post-workout to keep their skin in the best condition.

Stay hydrated - clients are better able to benefit from their exercise routine if they stay hydrated, internally and externally. Drinking water to rehydrate during a workout, and spritzing the skin with the SkinBase Soothing Toner post-workout is a great way to lock in moisture.

Remember aftercare - clients having a Microdermabrasion or Hydro treatment should avoid exercising for at least 12 hours post-treatment to avoid irritating their skin. Collagen Lift clients should wait at least 24 hours, to avoid building heat within the skin and over-sensitising following the radio-frequency. IPL clients should also wait 24 hours to allow the skin to cool down naturally.

Longevity & Exercise

Regular exercise is key to staying healthy as you age, therefore it is an essential pillar of longevity. As hormone levels begin to shift, particularly for women going through perimenopause, decreases in bone density and muscle mass commonly occur. Physical activity reduces the risk of osteoporosis by contributing to higher bone mineral density. Regular exercise is also proven to significantly reduce systemic inflammation, which is a contributing factor for many chronic diseases.

Clients can reap the health benefits of regular exercise by moving their body for just 150 minutes a week. A weekly combination of cardio exercises and strength training will yield the most benefits.

How Does Exercise Affect Treatment Results

Non-surgical treatments are most effective when used alongside a healthy lifestyle. For the best results, the lymph drainage process and blood circulation must be working as effectively as possible. Moderate exercise helps to stimulate these processes within the body. Staying consistently active allows waste products to be removed properly, while passing nutrients and oxygen to the tissues that need it. This prevents the body from becoming stagnant and sluggish, allowing the best results to be achieved.

If the majority of your clients are women, it is likely that menopause is a key factor in many of their day to day lives. As the new year begins, their resolutions will probably be related to physical and mental health and wellbeing, to mitigate symptoms.

(3) Sleep

A healthy sleeping pattern is also key to longevity. Adequate, high quality sleep allows time for rest, recovery and healing. Some individuals may set sleep related resolutions in the new year, including going to bed at the same time every night, and limiting screen time before bed. Those that did not set sleep related resolutions may not be aware that a good night’s sleep may be key to any resolution set. Sleep deprivation can make you hungrier, due to the production of hunger hormones, which may affect nutrition goals. Poor quality sleep can also lower your energy, causing you to exercise less.

How Does Sleep Contribute to Skin Health?

It is often evident when someone has had a bad nights sleep, as it shows up on the skin. Dark circles and dullness, caused by dilated blood vessels and inefficient circulation, and puffy eyes caused by fluid retention are common signs of a lack of sleep. So, it is no surprise that a consistent lack of sleep is linked to poorer skin health, including premature signs of ageing and an increased risk of skin conditions

Somatotropin is a human growth hormone that is released periodically through the day. It is more significantly released during the non-rapid eye movement (NREM) phase of sleep, which occurs within the first 3 hours of sleeping. This growth hormone contributes to the maintenance and repair of the skin, for a healthy, glowing appearance. Without a healthy sleep pattern, the skin will not repair as well and the ageing process will be accelerated. Therefore, symptoms such as fine lines and wrinkles and pigmentation will show up on the skin.

Melatonin is a hormone that regulates biological processes within the body. Generally, melatonin production begins at sunset, as it is the hormone of darkness, and continues into the night. Melatonin has antioxidant properties, so also contributes to skin repair while sleeping. By combatting free radical damage, this hormone helps to keep the skin healthy, while minimising the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. It also helps to prepare the skin’s defences for the following day.

During rapid eye movement sleep (REM), levels of the stress hormone cortisol begin to decrease and the skin temperature cools. This combination contributes to increased collagen production and collagen synthesis, further healing and strengthening damaged skin and improving your complexion.

Sleep deprivation leads to elevated cortisol levels, as the body has not had sufficient time in REM sleep to decrease stress hormones. High cortisol contributes to the break down of collagen fibres, making premature signs of ageing skin more likely. Increased levels of the stress hormone also affects inflammation within the body, aggravating conditions such as acne and rosacea. The skin barrier is also impacted by cortisol, making moisture loss, dryness and irritation more likely.

Longevity & Sleep

Sleep is an essential pillar of longevity, as research suggests lifespan and healthspan are each linked to good sleep hygiene. Regular sleep patterns and sleep duration have each been proven as contributing factors. Going to bed and waking up around the same time each day is incredibly beneficial for health span, while sleeping too much or too little can be detrimental. Clients can incorporate a few healthy habits into their lifestyle to enhance their sleep routine, including:

  1. having a consistent sleep/wake cycle
  2. avoiding caffeine and nicotine before bed
  3. creating an environment that supports sleep, with the right temperature, light and noise levels.

How Does Sleep Affect Treatment Results?

As discussed above, a good nights sleep contributes to the healing and repair of the skin. The range of SkinBase non-surgical treatments rely on the body’s natural processes to achieve the best results.

Collagen Lift
During a Collagen Lift treatment, waves of radio-frequency energy are delivered to the treatment area, and the production of new collagen fibres is triggered. Having frequent, newly formed collagen fibres is useful for the long term health of the skin. As a result of this process, the skin tightens, firms and smooths, for a rejuvenated appearance. However, initially the collagen fibres are not very strong. In order to provide these visible results, the new fibres must go through the collagen synthesis process and build strength. Therefore, clients having courses of Collagen Lift should be taking steps to support the collagen synthesis process and enhance their treatment results. This includes getting into a consistent sleep routine to decrease cortisol levels, as detailed above.

Acne Treatments: MD, Hydro & IPL
While a variety of factors affect acne production, research suggests there is a significant relationship between sleep quality and acne severity. When we are stressed, it can impact the quality and duration of sleep experienced. Sleep deprivation, in turn, contributes to increased stress. This cycle means cortisol levels remain high, resulting in a range of acne causing factors:

  1. Excess sebum production is triggered, clogging pores.
  2. Collagen production is minimised, so acne scarring is more visible on the skin.
  3. Inflammation levels remain high, decreasing the ability to fight bacteria.
  4. The overall skin barrier is weaker, making healing more difficult.

Therefore, clients having courses of SkinBase Microdermabrasion, Hydro or Intense Pulsed Light to treat acne should also ensure they are getting quality sleep to enhance their results.

(4) Social Connection, Positive Mindset & Stress

Often, an important aspect of health and wellbeing may be overlooked, as factors affecting physical health, such as nutrition and exercise, are more obvious. Mental health is key to longevity, in particular, research suggests having strong social connections and a positive mindset is vital. Individuals may decide to improve their social relationships in 2025 by setting new year's resolutions to volunteer in their local community, or reconnect with an old friend. Those trying to develop a more positive mindset may wish to practise mindfulness or keep a gratitude journal.

How Does Social Connection Contribute to Skin Health

The brain-skin connection is real, and not satisfying social connection needs or having a negative mindset can cause emotional stress to manifest on the skin. Cortisol, the stress hormone, is responsible for many skin changes, which is why stress is also a longevity pillar.

Cortisol levels naturally rise in a morning, and drop throughout the day, reaching their lowest point in the evening and allowing you to sleep. However, experiencing constant, low-level stress caused by poor quality social connections, loneliness or a negative mindset ensures our stress responses remain active too. Continual exposure to cortisol impacts the body and the skin in a variety of ways.

Increased Inflammation - Cortisol and other key hormones in the fight or flight stress response (catecholamines) cause increased inflammation by directing immune cells from the bloodstream into the skin or by stimulating pro-inflammatory skin cells.

Excess Sebum - Cortisol disrupts other hormones within the body, leading to an increase in the production of sebum. Excess sebum clogs pores and reacts with bacteria on the skin, causing breakouts or intensifying existing acne symptoms.

Inhibits Hyaluronic Acid & Collagen Production - The prolonged, daily release of cortisol into the body inhibits hyaluronic acid production. This inhibition also impacts on collagen and elastin production. Depleted levels of each of these key elements results in an increase of fine lines and wrinkles. As a catabolic hormone, cortisol also breaks down existing collagen fibres, further contributing to signs of ageing appearing on the skin.

Increased Oxidisation - stress hormones such as cortisol and adrenaline increase the production of free radicals within the body, contributing to oxidative stress. Oxidative stress occurs when free radicals and antioxidants are imbalanced, so damage cannot be prevented.

Skin Barrier Dysfunction - High stress and cortisol levels cause skin barrier dysfunction, and also impair its healing process. A healthy skin barrier traps moisture in to keep the skin functioning properly, keeping irritants and pollutants out. Cortisol depletes the things your barrier needs to stay healthy, causing trans-epidermal water loss, affecting the microbiome and resulting in impaired barrier function.

Longevity & Social Connection

Having positive connections with family and friends is a key part of ageing healthily. While loneliness and isolation triggers detrimental effects, positive social interactions trigger the release of oxytocin and dopamine - the ‘happy hormones’. Oxytocin has been found to lower cortisol, so simply spending time with friends and family is a good way to minimise stress and improve your complexion. It is no surprise that studies suggest individuals with positive social connections live longer and have a better health span.

Longevity & Positive Mindset

An optimistic outlook on life has also been proven as key to healthy ageing. As well as boosting ‘happy hormones’, those who live positively are more likely to engage in activities that satisfy the other longevity pillars, including eating a nutritious diet and getting regular exercise.

How Does Connection & Positivity Affect Treatment Results?

A lack of social connection and a negative attitude can cause emotional stress to manifest on the skin, as described above, making it difficult to maximise results with non-surgical treatments. Both of these factors are also important during the client consultation. You should discuss the client’s skin goals and treatment expectations during the consultation. Actively listen, and offer your support and recommendations to begin developing trust and a good social connection with your client. This active listening will also ensure that goals and expectations discussed are realistic and achievable.

Client satisfaction when it comes to non-surgical treatments is linked to level of information. Those that are the happiest with their results, regardless of visible appearance, are the ones who properly understand how the treatment is working with their body to maximise the health of their skin. Therefore, you can help clients develop a positive mindset with regard to your SkinBase treatments by ensuring they have all the information they need.

When providing clients with information, it is important that you position yourself as an expert on the treatment you are offering. Make sure you are fully prepared to answer any questions they may have. The positive mindset that clients have will be enhanced by their level of trust and confidence in you as a therapist.