Collagen Lift Customer Journey

Collagen Lift Customer Journey

For maximum success with your SkinBase Collagen Lift treatments, you can add value and satisfy clients by considering the stages of the customer journey.

(1) Awareness

(2) Consideration

(3) Decision

(4) Retention

(5) Advocacy

By considering your target Collagen Lift client at each stage of these stages, you can ensure all activities run as smoothly as possible, to attract and retain clients and maximise your business. 

Stage 1 - Awareness

The awareness stage, as the name suggests, focuses on potential Collagen Lift clients discovering and becoming familiar with your business and your treatments. This awareness is largely driven through advertising, particularly across social media, and by word of mouth.

When creating a customer journey for your Collagen Lift clients, it is vital that you understand exactly who your target client is at the awareness stage. Once you know who you are looking to attract (your customer persona) you should consider:

  • How do they spend their time online?

  • How do they spend their time offline?

  • What platforms do they use and enjoy? 

  • How are they discovering your business?

  • How are they interacting with your business? 

You will use the answers to all of these questions at the awareness stage to inform future marketing activities, and ultimately to attract as many potential clients as possible.

Collagen Lift Awareness Marketing Activities 

In the awareness stage, potential clients are realising that they have a problem. In the context of your business, this ‘problem’ is a skin concern. To focus your marketing activities at this stage, you can consider the range of ‘problems’ your potential Collagen Lift clients may have. 

The SkinBase Collagen Lift treatment is incredibly versatile, so client skin concerns will be varied. Fine lines and wrinkles, loose and sagging skin, cellulite and stretch marks are some of the problems potential clients may have. However, it is important to note that clients in the awareness stage may not know what the solution to their problem is.

So, through your marketing and engagement with clients, you should deliver education and knowledge to help potential clients ‘diagnose’ their problems and identify potential solutions. 

In other words, your goal in the awareness stage is to get potential clients to understand how you as a SkinBase Collagen Lift Therapist and the Collagen Lift treatment can provide the best solution to their problems. This should be done through informative social media posts, blog posts, videos and other educational resources.

Educational Resources: Knowledge Base

Educational resources within the Knowledge Base that you can use to attract potential Collagen Lift clients includes:

  • The “All About Collagen Lift” social post series

  • Collagen Lift Competition Before and After Images

  • Collagen Lift Promotional Videos

Educational Resources: Website

Over on the SkinBase website you can access the SkinBase Blog. Filter the results by “Collagen Lift” to find a range of informative, relevant articles that you can use to educate clients. Such as

  • Treating Skin Concerns: Skin Laxity & SkinBase Collagen Lift

  • What to Expect During a Collagen Lift Treatment

  • How Does Radio-Frequency Benefit the Skin

  • Why Do We Recommend a Course of Collagen Lift Treatments

Copy and paste any wording you would like to use within your own marketing or on your social media. The content we share is for you to use. You can copy the URL at the top of the page to share the full blog with your clients.

Educational Resources: Beauty Guides

In the Beauty Hub section on the SkinBase Website you can also find the Beauty Guides. These have been created by beauty industry professionals to give practical advice on how to improve skin concerns. There are a range of guides available, including:

  • The ‘Collagen Lift - A Facelift without Surgery’ Guide

  • SkinBase Transformation of the Year - The Book

  • Ultimate Beauty Guide to Ageing Skin

  • The SkinBase Healthy Habits Guide 

  • The Complete Guide to Menopause

You can download the Beauty Guides for free and send them to potential clients in the awareness stage to help educate.

Collagen Lift Frequently Asked Questions

It is important to answer any questions your potential clients may have at this stage. The Collagen Lift resources highlighted above will help you to enhance awareness and educate clients as fully as possible. By starting conversations and answering questions, you are helping to remove any barriers preventing clients from committing to the treatment.

By educating at this stage, you are also increasing your credibility as a skin professional, and positioning yourself as an expert in this area. This will help you to build trust and begin to develop relationships with clients. Remember, this stage is about alleviating client pain points by offering potential solutions, not about encouraging a purchase. Offering value to potential clients here will help with credibility and trust.

As potential clients realise they have a need that must be met, and identify Collagen Lift as a potential solution, they will move into the consideration stage of the customer journey.

Stage 2: Consideration

When potential clients realise they have a need that must be met, and identify possible solutions, they move into the consideration stage of the customer journey. Here, they will weigh up their shortlisted solutions, and decide which to go ahead with. Therefore, they will be thinking about a variety of therapists and potential treatments that could be used to improve the health of their skin. To retain clients in the customer journey and encourage progression to the decision stage, you must set yourself and the treatment apart, and prove why you are the best option.

Collagen Lift Benefits

Collagen Lift has a number of benefits. It is a non-invasive, versatile treatment that can resolve a range of different skin concerns.

  • Non-Invasive - Collagen Lift is non-invasive, so requires zero recovery time. It is painless, and comfortable, feeling like a hot stone massage while it works deep within the skin to lift, tighten and rejuvenate.

  • Suitable for the Face and Body - Collagen Lift strengthens, tightens, contours and tones different areas of your face and body. 

  • Builds new collagen - Collagen Lift triggers a wound healing response, flooding the target area with new collagen. This plumps and smooths the skin, drastically reducing sagging, fine lines and wrinkles.

Collagen Lift vs IPL

A question that may arise in the consideration phase is Collagen Lift vs Intense Pulsed Light Photorejuvenation, particularly if you are a SkinBase Therapist offering both treatments. 

SkinBase Collagen Lift uses radio-frequency energy to tone, firm, smooth and sculpt your skin. SkinBase IPL, on the other hand, uses light energy to smooth the skin and treat sun damage. Both treatments are incredibly effective and can be successfully used to treat similar skin concerns. Which one is best for your client will depend on their specific skin goals. 

Clients who wish to treat signs of ageing skin, including pigmentation and age spots, as well as fine lines and wrinkles may prefer the IPL treatment to improve the appearance of their skin. Those who want to achieve a deeper tightening and lifting effect across the face or body may prefer the SkinBase Collagen Lift treatment. 

If you offer both treatments, you could create a personalised treatment plan involving CL and IPL if the client’s skin requires it and is suitable. 

*Remember to leave 4 weeks between the Collagen Lift and Intense Pulsed Light if combined in a treatment plan. 

SkinBase AYCE 

If you are on an ‘All You Can Eat’ contract with SkinBase, you can easily set yourself apart at the consideration phase by creating personalised treatment plans for your clients.  

With the full range of SkinBase technologies at your fingertips, and unlimited usage for a fixed weekly cost, you can take full control of your business, your machines and your prices, and enhance the customer journey with personalisation. Get in touch with the team on * to find out more. 

Collagen Lift vs HiFU

Clients may also be considering HiFU as an alternative to SkinBase, so it is important to be aware of the similarities and differences of both treatments. The Collagen Lift uses radio-frequency energy to deliver heat deep into the skin, boosting the production of collagen, elastin and hyaluronic acid. The HiFU treatment also stimulates the production of collagen within the skin using heat. Both treatments encourage a healthier, lifted appearance. However, they achieve this via different methods. 

During a Collagen Lift treatment, a ceramic wand is worked across the skin in circular motions, delivering the waves of radio-frequency energy. The treatment is warm and relaxing, like a hot stone massage. A handset emitting fractional ultrasound energy in short bursts is used during a HiFU treatment. Therefore, both treatments use energy deep within the skin to heat the tissue and stimulate collagen production. 

Though both treatments are non-surgical and non-invasive, following a HiFU treatment clients may notice swelling and redness. A tingling sensation may also persist for a few weeks. For clients concerned about downtime, the Collagen Lift treatment is preferable, as only a mild redness may be experienced. 

The fast, circular motions of Collagen Lift results in a bulk heating technique, whereas HiFU is delivered precisely into the skin. The Collagen Lift system can be tailored to specific clients and their heat tolerance, however, the HiFU system can not, so may cause discomfort for some clients.

The means of energy delivery also means the HiFU treatment is better suited to clients with skin laxity concerns, not fine lines and wrinkles, due to the depth of the tightening effect. Collagen Lift uses energy in two ways during treatment; one to reach the deeper layers and lift and tighten and the other to work superficially to smooth out fine lines and wrinkles, whilst also triggering collagen production and improving skin laxity. Therefore, it is better suited to a range of client concerns. 

Social Proof 

Consumers are increasingly sceptical and distrusting of marketing communications from businesses, and much prefer the opinion of other clients. So, it is not enough to just say why you are the best - you must also prove it. At this stage, provide support for the benefits of Collagen Lift, using social proof such as before and afters and client testimonials to validate what you are saying. 

SkinBase Transformation of the Year 

The SkinBase Transformation of the Year competition launched in 2022, and each year since we have been searching for the very best client transformations from a course of SkinBase treatments. There have been lots of fabulous Collagen Lift before and after images entered into the competition over the months since the competition began, and you have permission to share them all with your clients. 

The competition is also a great marketing tool, allowing you to set your business apart at the consideration phase. The winning SkinBase Therapist and winning client each receive a fabulous Caribbean holiday. We are currently searching for the best 2024 Transformations, so get those entries in for a chance to win! 

Stage 3: Decision

The decision stage is around halfway in the customer journey. By this point, potential clients have narrowed down their options, chosen a solution and are ready to make a decision. So, are they committing to Collagen Lift or choosing an alternative? What you do at the decision stage will make all of the difference. 

Decision Stage Activities

Transparency is key here. Your purchasing process should be as smooth as possible to ensure success. Any last minute problems will push clients towards an alternative option. At this stage, you can be more direct about wanting customers to purchase your services, with Collagen Lift treatment demonstrations, consultations, patch tests and limited time offers - e.g. pay for 5 treatments, get the 6th free, or book a course of 6 and get a free Daily Repair and Protect cream. You can also continue offering social proof in the form of client testimonials and Collagen Lift before and after images, to assure clients they are making the right decision.

FAQ: What Does The Collagen Lift Treatment Do?

During a Collagen Lift treatment, waves of radio-frequency energy are delivered to the treatment area. The energy heats up the deeper layers of the skin, stimulating natural responses in the body. The existing collagen and elastin fibres in the body are realigned due to the radio-frequency, and the production of new fibres is triggered. As a result of this process, the skin tightens, firms and smooths, for a rejuvenated appearance. However, the new collagen fibres must go through the collagen synthesis process before they can have a visible effect.

Client Consultation

Client consultations are an incredibly important part of the decision making process, particularly for an advanced skin treatment such as Collagen Lift. The consultation ensures suitability for the treatment, while also providing an opportunity to develop a rapport and build trust with the client, so they feel at ease choosing radio-frequency as the solution to their problems. Within the 1-to-1 situation, you can also reinforce the first two stages of the client journey.

  • Educate the client, as within the awareness stage, to dispel any myths or misconceptions that may be preventing them from committing to a decision.

  • Answer any questions that may have arisen since the previous stages, so clients feel they can make a fully informed decision.

  • Let clients get a feel for the treatment by performing a patch test.

FAQ: What Is The Collagen Synthesis Process?

Having frequent, newly formed collagen fibres is useful for the long term health of the skin. However, initially they are not very strong. In order to provide visible results the new fibres must go through the collagen synthesis process and build strength. Once this has happened, the strengthened collagen can tighten and firm the skin, contributing to a more youthful appearance. After the radio-frequency has triggered the production of new collagen, it can take between 21 days and 2 years to achieve optimum strength.

Client Expectations

During the consultation, you should also discuss the client’s skin goals and treatment expectations, to ensure they are realistic. Delivering results that meet client expectations is key to successfully providing non-surgical treatments such as SkinBase Collagen Lift. The future stages of the customer journey (retention and advocacy) will run much more smoothly if you can properly manage client expectations at the decision stage.

Client Understanding

Client understanding is a key factor in getting clients to commit to their skincare journey, and therefore to decide to go ahead with a course of CL treatments. Studies suggest that client satisfaction is directly linked to the level of information and understanding they have. CL is an advanced treatment, and a long term commitment is required.

  • Clients who are confused about the treatment or not committed to having a full treatment course may be unhappy with the results they achieve.

  • Clients who properly understand how they will benefit from a course of treatment, why a course is necessary, and how CL is enhancing the health of their skin will be the happiest.

Why Is A Course of Treatment Recommended?

While developing an understanding of the Collagen Synthesis process, clients may also question why a course of Collagen Lift treatments is necessary. Firstly, having a course of treatments is a great way to get into the routine of consistently investing in your skin. Non-surgical treatments are not a quick fix - and consistency is key to achieving the best results. When it comes to the collagen synthesis process, a course of treatment is very beneficial. A weekly boost of radio frequency energy encourages the fibres to strengthen, mature and remodel, for visible results quicker. For some people, collagen fibres are stubborn and do not respond immediately to treatment. Multiple Collagen Lift treatment may be necessary, along with a lifestyle overhaul, and a consistent skincare routine. Therefore, we recommend a course of treatments to achieve the best results.

Launch Event

If you have recently launched Collagen Lift, or are simply deciding to refocus on it, a (re)launch event is a great idea. If you can get lots of clients into the decision stage at once, by increasing awareness and starting them on the CL customer journey, an event is a great way to get new clients to book courses of treatment.

  • Offer consultations and patch tests on the day and make any introductory offers known so clients feel able to confidently book a course of treatment.

  • Have a patch tested model and demo the treatment to increase understanding and encourage course booking.

  • Take the offline event online to reach a wider audience - film a Q&A video, live stream the treatment demo etc.

Stage 4: Retention

If you have clients in the retention stage, you can be assured that your customer journey is working. However, this stage is incredibly important to get right too, to ensure clients do not leave for a competitor once their course is complete. Long term loyalty is key for beauty businesses, and it is commonly understood that client retention is much less expensive than recruiting new clients. So, ensuring excellent service and a good experience for each client is vital.

Collagen Lift Courses

Clients who book in for a course of Collagen Lift will be retained for the duration of their course. Due to the nature of the treatment spacing, this will often be just 3-6 weeks. So, during this time, you need to go above and beyond to ensure the client remains post-treatment.

Collagen Lift Maintenance Sessions

Once clients have completed courses, we recommend they invest in maintenance sessions every 4-6 weeks to continue boosting collagen production. Make sure your clients are aware of this during the initial stages of the client journey to make retention easier post-purchase. The post-course maintenance emphasises the idea that the skin is a long term commitment and a one off skin treatment, or even a single course of treatments, will not provide smooth, glowing skin forever. Client retention is beneficial to you as a business, and to the client too, so they can consistently achieve their skin goals over time.

Client Retention

Retention does not have to be difficult. Once your client reaches the end of their course, book them in for their first maintenance session at their last appointment. Make efforts to maintain the relationship you have developed with them. Check in with clients to keep up to date about the health and appearance of their skin (just as you will have been doing between treatments!) and offer support and advice. Keep clients up to date about new treatment launches and other business updates, so they feel valued and important. If appropriate, you can also offer your expertise and recommendations as required to enhance the health of their skin. This method of retention is simple if you are a SkinBase AYCE business.

SkinBase AYCE

If you are an AYCE business, then you have a range of fabulous treatments to offer to the clients recruited through the Collagen Lift customer journey.

  • IPL 

  • Microdermabrasion

  • Collagen Lift

  • Collagen Lift ULTIMATE

  • Hydro

With unlimited usage of each versatile SkinBase treatment at your fingertips, for a fixed cost of £144, you have the unique opportunity to craft personalised treatment plans for clients. Make the most of your AYCE contract and improve your client retention strategies with personalised experiences and packages.

Client Retention: Personalisation

By assessing clients as individuals, and using your expertise to recommend treatments, you can exceed their expectations and ensure long term loyalty. Consider why clients have come to you, and what other SkinBase treatments they may benefit from. With no individual treatment fees and the fixed cost, you have the financial flexibility to create personalised packages, set prices and benefit from profits. Clients are more likely to remain loyal to a therapist and business who understand their needs and provide a personalised experience.

SkinBase AYCE Recommendations

Remember, clients appreciate recommendations from trusted experts, and that is what you are. So, don’t be afraid to upsell your services to clients. If you have the ability to enhance the health of your clients skin - let them know! They are paying you for a reason. Keep it professional and appropriate, by listening to what the client is telling you, and identifying opportunities to solve their problems.

  • Your Collagen Lift client treating signs of ageing may wish to maintain their results with a SkinBase Hydro boost every 4 weeks. The gentle yet effective ingredients in the renewing serum are perfect for those with mature skin.

  • The ‘summer prep’ Collagen Lift body client trying to get toned and sculpted for summer may benefit from a course of IPL hair reduction. Get rid of their unwanted hair and give them the ultimate confidence boost!

  • The Collagen Lift client treating stretch marks may wish to have a follow up course of the SkinBase Microdermabrasion treatment to resurface the treatment area. 

  • A client who completes a course of Collagen Lift facials to turn back the clock on their skin could boost their results by following up with a course of IPL photorejuvenation. Continually enhancing the collagen production process is a great way to maintain a youthful glow. 

Remember to check recommended wait times between treatments before beginning the new sessions.

Stage 5: Advocacy

In the advocacy stage, happy clients choose to stay with your business, and also take it one step further. Using word of mouth, clients are actively promoting your business to their friends, family and colleagues. There is no better endorsement for your business than happy customers who want to spread the word and support your business. So, all the effort you put into getting clients to this stage is positively impacting the other stages of the customer journey.

  • Word of mouth is helping to attract clients into the awareness stage.

  • Happy advocates are useful influencers of clients in the consideration, decision and retention stages.

Clients must be truly satisfied for positive word of mouth to take place.

Referral Programmes

You can benefit from your hard work and take advantage of the advocacy stage by setting up a referral programme within your business. Encourage existing clients to recommend new clients. Around 90% of clients believe referrals are more trustworthy than advertisements from the business. You can reward existing clients for their loyalty, maintain the positive relationship and get new clients in the door.

Transformation of the Year 2024

As we’ve mentioned, the SkinBase Transformation of the Year 2024 competition is happening right now. Happy clients are the perfect case studies to enter into the competition. Share their fab results, and reward their loyalty with the opportunity to win vouchers and a Caribbean holiday! To get started, you need:

  • To be a member of the SkinBase Therapist group on Facebook. 

  • Before and after images, taken before the treatments began and at the end of the course (a course is at least 3 sessions).

  • Your client’s permission (once you enter the competition in the Facebook group, you will receive the link to a release form for your client to sign.)

To enter the competition, post your images into the SkinBase Therapist Group within the calendar month to compete in the monthly competition. The entries chosen by the public and other SkinBase Therapists will go through to the end-of-year final. Remember - you’ve got to be in it to win it!

ToTY: How To Enter

When posting your before and after images and entering the competition, you need to include:

  • Business name.

  • Therapist name.

  • Client name (they can remain anonymous if you wish).

  • Treatments type & number of treatments.

  • A client testimonial.

Free Promotional Week

You can earn a free promotional WEEK by becoming an advocate for SkinBase! If you love your SkinBase machine, the service you receive from the SkinBase team and the results you see with the treatments, then spread the word. As a thank you, we will give you a free promotional week to use, and will also waive the weekly minimum charge for that week.

  • When your friend makes their first payment we will get in touch to let you know and you can decide when to take your free week.

  • Ask your friend to mention who recommended them when they contact us, if they can give your business name and postcode this will make it easier.

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