Christmas Marketing 2022

Christmas Marketing 2022

Christmas Marketing Ideas your Clients Will Love 

The busiest time of the year is the ideal time to boost your salon’s sales – and get some new clients at the same time. Implement your Christmas Marketing strategy in good time to make sure your columns are booked and your retail sells. Rolling out your plan also means you won’t be in a last minute panic during your most frantic salon days. Remember preparation is key!

Raise Your Online Profile

Christmas is the best time to raise your profile on Social Media. Change your profile pictures and cover images to make them festive. Schedule festive posts in advance (this means one less thing to worry about when you’re busy).  Use an Advent Calendar style post series with discounts and treats each day. Keep this to a limit e.g. first come first served. That way you won’t be giving too much away.Invest in a festive selfie frame. People love to document festive memories and share with their friends. Encourage your clients to do this. It will get your brand out there and clients will love sharing their selfies – just make sure they tag you! Take some before and after photos when your clients visit to add to your salon social. 

Clear Messaging

Add promotions and festive opening hours to your voicemail.  This way you are likely to answer a lot of questions when you can’t answer the phone. Include your menu, pricing, opening hours and location. This will show you offer excellent customer service from the get-go. 

Christmas Party

Festive merchandising displays will go down a treat with your clients. Consider having an in-salon Christmas event and fill your feed with party pics and products. Everyone loves to feel festive, especially when there are some bargains to be had. 


Think about having stocking fillers by the till for any last-minute panic shoppers. Offer complimentary gift wrapping to all purchases. You can add your logo to the wrapping paper for free branding.

Countdown to Christmas!

FOMO – make your clients not want to miss out! Have a countdown to Christmas. Show how low on stock and appointments you are to create buyer urgency. Promote your products as gifts. Plan ahead and your Christmas Marketing will boost your business’s bottom line. If you follow the ideas above you will increase client retention, attract new customers and convert them into loyal clientele. What’s not to love?

Get Festive and Master Your Christmas Retailing

The festive season is nearly upon us – and this is the ultimate season for you to plan your retail strategy. This is a key moment to engage with customers. Think of it as your annual profit-boosting opportunity. If you are unsure how to master your Christmas retailing, here are a few tips:

Strong Visual Merchandising

Think about having strong visual merchandising with your display. This will turn browsers into buyers.  Catch their interest and motivate them to buy. Big ticket items should be displayed alone as ‘the star of the show’.  Smaller items can look cluttered if they’re alone  -always display them together. 


Signs are important. They direct people to what they need quickly. Signs help with impulse buys. Always make sure you have clear prices, features and benefits. This will avoid any awkwardness at the till. 

Colour Psychology

Silver and gold are both festive and luxurious. These colours are the right message for premium ranges at Christmas. Red is festive but has discount connotations – so it is better to use it sparingly. Read our blog all about colour in marketing.

Odd Numbers

In general odd numbers work best for retailing. Group products together in threes, fives and sevens. Remember to put them at eye-level. Put inexpensive last-minute retail items by the check-out to encourage spending. Remember not to group them in even numbers!

Retail Psychology

People tend to head to the right when they enter a store. Use this to your advantage. Visually-balanced displays encourage customers to buy – put darker colours at the bottom. Offer gift wrapping – this saves the client a job so they are more likely to buy.


Play with all the senses. Add festive smells like cinnamon cookies and play uplifting Christmassy music. Make sure you have more than one festive playlist so your clients don’t get bored. 

Window Display

Think carefully about your window display – get it right and it will pull new clients in. Aim to create motion and think about festive lighting. Display big and small items so people can see when they are close – and far away. Think about layering the window and consider dressing your products up in festive décor. Think about hanging baubles or Christmassy ribbons from them. 

Start planning early and you will get the right formula to make your clients want to spend. Master your Christmas retailing and give your profit an end-of-year boost. 

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