Christmas Marketing

Christmas Marketing

 If you are reading this that can only mean one thing? It's nearly Christmas! So as we start thinking about decorations and food, begin planning gifts, and perhaps drop a few hints about what we’d like as well, it’s time to plan what that means for your SkinBase treatments too. There are so many different ways you can use Christmas to make the most of your treatment offerings, so read on to discover marketing materials, hints and tips for making the most of the festive season!

Festive offers

Over Christmas, everyone is looking to get into the festive spirit, and what better way to do that than with incentives, extras and added value. Here are a few ideas:

Give small Christmas gifts to your clients: a little box of festive chocolates or a free upgrade or an add on for a treatment to each client who books or has a treatment during December.

  • Do a festive ‘lucky dip’ for anyone who makes a purchase in your salon – with prizes ranging from a Christmas trinket or chocolates, to free samples or even a few free products, and one big gift – a free SkinBase treatment!

  • Encourage people to book a course by offering them an exclusive discount when they book a full course of treatments. You could offer the course on a payg basis as well so clients pay weekly and then benefit from a 'free' 6th/7th treatment at the end or include the SkinBase homecare cream worth £28.50 as an extra instead of giving away a free treatment.

Get your salon in the spirit

Decorating your salon with some Christmas decor is almost essential – Window decals look fab and are easy to clean, make sure the salon smells 'christmassy' (if you can retail what you use then even better, try not to make it too overpowering as some clients will be sensitive to this). If you have window space, make sure it looks festive too – every storefront is vying for your clients’ attention during Christmas, so make sure it looks fabulous and if you’re doing a Christmas offer, display it prominently.

Think about the WHY

Some of your potential clients might be on the fence about booking a course of treatments – so make sure you can tell them why they need it. What will it achieve for them? How will they look? How will they feel? Here are a few ideas:

    • Winter is a rough time for the skin and the sooner they get their skin looking fabulous in preparation for Christmas, New Years, and the freezing cold months to follow, the better their complexion will be able to cope with cold air, central heating, and winter overindulgences.
    • Get Pigmentation fixed before the sun comes back out again –it gives them the chance to get into good SPF habits and means they won’t need to put up with covering their pigmentation with heavy foundation by the time the weather warms up.
    • Rejuvenate a tired-looking complexion before Christmas Day – no one wants to look exhausted and washed out over Christmas, even if they are! Booking a course of facials will make sure your client’s skin is looking fresh, youthful and radiant those memories are being made.
    • Don’t book for them, book for a friend! Buying a gift voucher for a friend or family member is the perfect Christmas gift for someone who needs to relax, unwind and indulge.
    • They deserve a treat – work, family life and just because we all deserve a little ‘me' time and that includes you, why not find your nearest SkinBase therapist and go and receive some pampering for a change!

Spread the message

During winter, social media usage and engagement increases, so don’t miss the opportunity to improve awareness of your business.  Here are some ideas for content:

  • Share winter skincare tips across your platforms (our blog is great for these)
  • Run a competition on Facebook
  • Send out an email newsletter about treatment offers
  • Show off your Christmas decorations on Instagram  
  • Share SkinBase blog posts on social and via emails – they’re there for you to use and you’ll find several Christmas-themed ones if you do a search.

Christmas decoration posts are often among the most engaged with posts of the entire year – so even though it isn’t directly about your salon, it can be really great for your awareness levels. Use local hashtags – for example, any nearby Christmas markets or events. Jump on these hashtags and local people who are also using them will find you!

Whatever you do, try to increase the amount of promotional content you put out during the run up to Christmas, because it’s really likely to pay off. You want to ensure a busy January so don't forget to market this even if you are busy with treatments during December.

Here are a few links to some of our previous Christmas blogs, feel free to copy and edit these to use in your own marketing messages. 

Click an attachment and then you can move left or right to scroll through the images and download to use. 

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